Department has its traditional method as well as pedagogical approach to improve teaching and learning for theory as well as laboratory to achieve targeted PO attainments.

Traditional Approach for Theory Courses:

  1. Preparation of Lecture Plans:
    –> Lecture plans are formulated in accordance with the prescribed university syllabus.
    –> Additional content beyond the syllabus may also be included to enrich the learning experience.
  2. Provision of Theory Notes:
    –> Students are provided with comprehensive theory notes, covering both the syllabus and additional content.
  3.  Evaluation through Tests and Assignments:
    –> Student progress is assessed through mid-semester tests, quizzes, and assignments, measuring their understanding and retention of the material.

Pedagogical Approach for Theory Courses:

  1. Interactive Sessions with Collaborative Learning
    –> Lectures are delivered interactively, encouraging student engagement and participation.
    –> Collaborative learning techniques are employed, fostering peer-to-peer interaction and discussion.
  2. Improved Teaching with PowerPoint Presentations:
    –> Faculty utilize PowerPoint presentations to enhance the delivery of content, incorporating visuals and multimedia elements.
  3. Guided Learning through NPTEL Videos:
    –> NPTEL videos on topics such as electrical machines and electromagnetic theory provide supplementary learning materials.
    –> These videos offer visual explanations and demonstrations, aiding in comprehension.
  4. Tutorial Classes:
    –> Tutorial classes are conducted to provide additional support and opportunities for students to clarify doubts and reinforce learning.
    –> They offer a platform for individualized assessment, which may not be feasible during regular lectures.
  5. Brainstorming Tutorials and Group Assignments:
    –> Brainstorming sessions are held to stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.
    –> Group assignments encourage teamwork and collaboration, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Traditional Approach for Practical Courses:

  1. Conducting Experiments According to University Guidelines:
    –> Practical experiments are conducted following the prescribed guidelines and requirements set by the university curriculum.
  2. Maintenance of Lab Log Books:
    –> Students maintain lab log books to document their experimental work, observations, and results in accordance with standard practices.

Pedagogical Approach for Practical Courses:

  1. Guided Laboratory Demonstrations:
    –> Practical sessions include guided laboratory demonstrations, allowing students to observe experiments firsthand.
  2. Group and Individual Experimentation:
    –> Students engage in both group and individual experimentation, promoting hands-on learning and experimentation.
  3. Project Work:
    –> Projects provide students with practical exposure and opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge.
    –> They foster the development of problem-solving skills and self-directed learning.
  4. Adoption of Outcome-Based Education (OBE):
    –> The department adopts a systematic approach, aligning practical courses with the principles of OBE.
    –> Emphasis is placed on the development of problem-solving skills and the attainment of learning outcomes.

By incorporating both pedagogical and traditional approaches, the department aims to provide a comprehensive and effective teaching and learning experience for students, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences.

Course File index format is given to understand the process to improve teaching and learning process.