• About Department

    Education is the transmission of civilization (Will Durant)

    Ever increasing pace of development in electronics has made an Electronics Engineer a catalyst for the change of the modern society. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has been consistently working towards the goal to produce highly skilled and scientifically oriented manpower through flexible, adaptive and progressive training programs and a cohesive interaction among the research organizations, academicians and industries.

    The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2000 with an intake of 60 in graduate program and currently department is having an annual intake of 120. Department is also running PG programs in two fields i.e. M. Tech in Digital communication & M. Tech in Microelectronics & VLSI Design with intake of 24 each.

    Department has consistently maintained an exemplary academic record. The greatest asset of the department is its highly motivated and learned faculty, with a strong vision & mission to nurture the students with core and multidisciplinary field with academic excellence, placement and simultaneously inculcating core values to the learners & to educate students in order to produce competent technocrats for professional carrier, higher studies and enable the students to develop skills to solve complex technological problems of current time.


    The department has faculty members having vast experience in their field. The faculty has succeeded in keeping a lively atmosphere among the students, with timely up-gradations in the curriculum and innovative teaching techniques. The staff members are deputed to participate in Workshops, Conferences, Symposia and Faculty development Programs to keep in pace with recent developments in the field of Electronics & Communications Engineering. The available diversity of expertise of the faculty with the support of the other staff prepares the students to work in global multicultural environment.

    The department has high-quality infrastructure and is equipped with full-fledged laboratories such as Communication Engineering lab, Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab, Electronics Devices & Circuits Lab, Optical &Microwave Lab, Signal Processing lab, Project Lab. All these labs complement the high standards set by the competitive syllabus and nurture the inclination of the students towards research and development, besides giving them the necessary and sufficient backing of practical knowledge that they need. The Department provides access to study of high end software like Mathworks Suite (MATLAB Software & its Tools Boxes), Xilinx, Circuit Design Simulation & PCB Design Tools, and Cadence University Bundle 1 – Analog Suite Front End & Back End.

    The faculty members of the department  has published 4 patents. and also  obtained funding for doing research projects, conducting FDPs and for organizing conferences from several funding agencies like AICTE (ATAL), MPCST and TEQIP etc.. Membership activities in professional bodies like IETE motivate students to participate in various technical events at the state and national levels. The department has consistently produced University ranks..

    The graduates of the department have been selected by some of the world’s leading corporates & as well as by most of the leading Indian counter parts. High number of students of the department are placed through campuses in companies like IBM, Infosys, TCS, Accenture, Hexaware etc and others are pursuing M.Tech., MBA and M.S. courses in India & abroad from leaders in academia like from IITs, NITs and business schools of high repute.

    Department is keen to impart knowledge on recent engineering trends by organizing various activities like Expert Lectures, Seminars, Workshops & Conferences. Workshops on current technologies such as Workshop on Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems, PCB designing & Fabrication, IOT and sixth sense technology are regularly organized. Every year Department  organizes National Level Robotic event named RoboBali.

    We hope that we will continue to deliver our best to serve the society and mankind. It is also expected that our students will continue to pass-on the skills which they have developed during their stay at this department to whole of the world for a better society. We will be happy to receive suggestions for further improvement and development of the department.

  • Vision of the department:

    To become a centre of excellence in the field of Electronics and Communication engineering by enabling students to attain domain knowledge, lifelong learning skills and ethical values to serve the nation.

  • Mission of the department:

    M1:     To create an academic ambience through competent faculty and encouraging multidisciplinary interaction.

    M2:     To establish state of the art infrastructure facilities that will pave the dissemination of technical knowledge in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

    M3:     Exposing students to new tools and technologies of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

    M4:   Providing an environment to actively participate in enhancing problem solving and leadership qualities and team spirit.

  • PEO 1: Graduates will become an established professional in the field of Electronics and Communication engineering and related fields with sound ethical values.

     PEO 2: Graduates will demonstrate all necessary engineering and scientific competence to become an entrepreneur in the field of electronics and communication and allied fields considering social and environmental issues.

    PEO 3: Graduates will possess solid foundation in the field of Electronics and Communication engineering to be applied in their higher studies and research.

  • Programme Outcomes (POs)

    1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
    2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
    3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
    4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
    5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
    6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
    7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
    8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
    9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
    10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
    11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
    12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


    PSO I: : Graduates will be competentto solve complex engineering problems in the field of Communication and signal processing.

    PSO II: Graduates will be able to adapt modern engineering hardware and software tools todesign and develop Electronic circuits.

    PSO III: Graduates will use technological advancements to develop electronics and communication projects in the field of embedded systems and VLSI Design.

  • Dr. Kavita Burse

    Dr. Kavita Burse (M.Tech., Ph.D.)

    Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) is a fast progressing field, with innovative ideas emerging every other second. From cellular phones to fibre optics and remote sensing, there are exciting possibilities to discover and create.

    The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in Technocrats Institute of Technology was established in the year 2000 with an intake of 60 students in graduate program.Currently we are having an intake of 120 students every year. Department is also running post graduate programs in two fields i.e. Digital communication with intake of  24 students, Microelectronics & VLSI Design with intake of 24 students.

    Excellence in teaching is the hallmark of the department and is reflected in the success of students result. The major areas of faculty expertise of the department include Communication Systems, Computer Networks, Control Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Instrumentation, Multimedia Security, Power Electronics, RF and Microwaves, Speech Signal Processing, VLSI Systems. The department is equipped with full-fledged laboratories such as Communication lab, Optical & Microwave lab, TV & Radar lab, Microprocessor lab, Electronic Devices & Circuit lab, Signal Processing lab and Project Lab to give the students the essential and adequate assistance of practical knowledge that they need.

    The Department has been consistently working towards the objective to produce highly skilled and technically oriented manpower through flexible, adaptive and progressive training programs and a cohesive interaction among the research organizations, academicians and industries. Students are given education as well as training in order to get placed in highly reputed companies & industries. High numbers of graduates of our department are placed through campuses in companies like IBM, Infosys, TCS, Accenture and Hexaware etc.

    Other than technical education, department has always been in concern with the personality development of the students. Every year department organizes National Level Robotic event named RoboBali. It motivates students to explore their talent in various technical and nontechnical fields.

  • Certificate

  • Laboratories in Electronincs and Communication Department

    Analog and Digital Communication Lab

    The communications lab presently serves to give the ECE students a laboratory experience in analog communications and digital communications systems. This laboratory provides a platform to the students to understand the basics of analog and digital communication systems, modulation techniques, data transmission, multiplexing, etc. This laboratory is equipped with RF Transmitter, Spectrum analyzers, Signal Generators, Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, modulation modules, etc.. This lab has been equipped with highly advanced kits.

    Antenna Lab

    This lab aims to provide the students about the fundamental concepts of various antennas used in microwave range. The students are able to measure the radiation pattern (in E & H planes) with rotating antenna platforms, dipole antennas, Yagi-Uda antennas, horn antennas and parabolic reflectors.

    CNTL Lab

    The aim of this   laboratory is to demonstrate fundamentals of transmission lines, Different types of network elements like filters, attenuators and equalizers are used to understand their working principles in time and frequency domains.  Students experiment with transmission line propagation. This lab is equipped with filter analysis trainer, trainer kit for frequency response analysis of transmission lines system etc.

    Digital Circuits Lab

    This lab takes care of the understanding the basic concepts and techniques in digital electronic circuits and systems. This laboratory will enable the undergraduate students to learn the concepts of  both combinatorial and sequential logic circuits, such as, adders, subtractions, comparator, multiplexer/demultiplexer, encoders/decoders, 7-segment display and decoder/driver, flip-flop, register, counter, etc. and various combinations of these.

    Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab

    This lab provides experiments that are related to topics covered in electronic subjects. The experiment modules are designed to give students the opportunity to learn about basic component of electronics .In this lab students understand the Practical Electronics Circuits, construct circuits and verify theoretical relationships involving diodes, bipolar transistors, small-signal amplifiers and operational amplifiers.

    Microprocessor Lab

    The aim of this laboratory is to train the students to be familiar with the software and hardware of microprocessors. This lab is well equipped with various types of microprocessor, micro controller trainer kits along with interfacing modules to demonstrate the detailed applications of

    Microwave Lab

    This Lab familiarizes the students with design, measurement techniques and device characterizations of microwave components and devices. The Lab is  equipped with microwave bench including various waveguide components for carrying out experiments on microwave techniques (Gunn diode, isolator, Klystron power supply, PIN modulator, slotted line, directional coupler, variable and fixed attenuator, frequency meter, circulator, movable short, matched terminal etc.).

    Optical Lab

    Project Lab

    Satellite Communication Lab

    The Aim of Satellite Communication is to understand the basic concepts of Satellite Communication. Equipments are to demonstrate the art of uplink and downlink designing to understand the creation of a link to send different types of data to satellite. It also provides proper idea behind controlling various sensors and position of satellite.

    VLSI Lab

    The aim of this lab is facilitate and encourage education, research and development in the field of VLSI design. The VLSI lab is well-equipped with some of the most modern facilities of recent times. Hardware equipment include FPGA development kits from Xilinx and Altera Inc. along with high-end software tools and packages for VLSI design and synthesis

  • Future of Electronics & Communication Engineering

    Electronics and Communication Engineering course give enormous job opportunities in electronics and software companies. All electronic devices need software interface to run and to interface with other device. It also gives great opportunities for research and development, as everyday consumer need new devices to support them in daily life.

    Activities organized by the departments:

    1. The department regularly organizes Technical Event every year in which paper presentation and other technical activities are conducted.
    2. The department organizes Guest Lectures of Experts from NIT’s and IIT’s.
    3. The department organizes technical workshops so that Students will be more comfortable with practical aspects on communication engineering, which are useful for their Industrial Exposure.

  • ECE Group Topper (2019-23 Batch)

    S.No Enroll. No Name of Candidate SGPA CGPA
    1 0111EC191045 Kuhu Shukla 9.06 9.47
    2 0111EC191087 Sandhya Kumari 8.83 9.38
    3 0111EC191060 Nirala Kumar 8.56 9.37

    Final Year Topper Batch 2018-22

    S N Enrolment no Name of Students Semester CGPAQ Remark
    1 0111EC181017 Ankit Anand VIII 9.33 Pass
    2 0111EC181115 Tejasvi Singh VIII 9.23 Pass
    3 0111EC181063 Mayank Jatav VIII 9.21 Pass

    Final Year Topper Batch 2017-21

    1 TARUN SINGH NEGI 0111EC171118 9.31
    2 BHAVYA GREWAL 0111EC171026 9.22
    3 AKANKSHA 0111EC171004 9.15

    Final Year Topper Batch 2016-20

    1 SHUBHAM KUMAR CHOUDHARY 0111EC161098 9.31
    2 KRITIKA DUBEY 0111EC161039 9.12
    3 HEENA CHAKRAVARTY 0111EC161033 9.07
    Final Year Toppers 2021
    1 TARUN SINGH NEGI 0111EC171118 9.31
    2 BHAVYA GREWAL 0111EC171026 9.22
    3 AKANKSHA 0111EC171004 9.15
    Third Year Toppers 2021
    1 ANKIT ANAND 0111EC181017 9.42
    2 TEJASVI SINGH 0111EC181115 9.38
    3 MAYANK JATAV 0111EC181063 9.58
    Second Year Toppers 2021
    1 KUHU SHUKLA 0111EC191045 9.77
    2 NIRALA KUMAR 0111EC191060 9.63
    3 SANDHYA KUMARI 0111EC191087 9.61
    Final Year Toppers 2020
    1 SHUBHAM KUMAR CHOUDHARY 0111EC161098 9.31
    2 KRITIKA DUBEY 0111EC161039 9.12
    3 HEENA CHAKRAVARTY 0111EC161033 9.07
    Third Year Toppers 2020
    1 TARUN SINGH NEGI 0111EC171118 9.15
    2 BHAVYA GREWAL 0111EC171026 9.02
    3 AKANKSHA 0111EC171004 8.92
    Second Year Toppers 2020
    1 ANKIT ANAND 0111EC181017 9.07
    2 TEJASVI SINGH 0111EC181115 9.07
    3 PRAKRATI SHUKLA 0111EC181078 9
    Final Year Toppers 2019
    1 AYUSHI JAIN 0111EC151030 9.18
    2 YASHI JAIN 0111EC151125 9.13
    3 PRANAY KUMAR 0111EC151064 8.94
    Third Year Toppers 2019
    1 SHUBHAM KUMAR CHOUDHARY 0111EC161098 9.24
    2 KRITIKA DUBEY 0111EC161039 9
    3 VEDIKA JAIN 0111EC161118 8.97
    Second Year Toppers 2019
    1 TARUN SINGH NEGI 0111EC171118 8.96
    2 BHAVYA GREWAL 0111EC171026 8.76
    3 AKANKSHA 0111EC171004 8.66
    Final Year Toppers 2018
    1 ADYA BAJPAI 0111EC141004 8.91
    2 GULSHAN KUMAR 0111EC141040 8.82
    3 KRITIKA MISHRA 0111EC141046 8.74
    Third Year Toppers 2018
    1 AYUSHI JAIN 0111EC151030 9.13
    2 YASHI JAIN 0111EC151125 9.09
    3 PRANAY KUMAR 0111EC151064 8.92
    Second Year Toppers 2018
    1 SHUBHAM KUMAR CHOUDHARY 0111EC161098 9.34
    2 SMITA KUMARI 0111EC161103 9.11
    3 KRITIKA DUBEY 0111EC161039 9.04
    Final Year Toppers 2017
    1 HIMANSHI RAIKWAR 0111EC131037 9.07
    2 NAMARATA CHOUBEY 0111EC131056 8.86
    3 SANGEETA SINGH 0111EC131081 8.8
    Third Year Toppers 2017
    1 ADYA BAJPAI 0111EC141004 8.86
    2 GULSHAN KUMAR 0111EC141040 8.8
    3 ABHINASH KUMAR 0111EC141002 8.73
    Second Year Toppers 2017
    1 AYUSHI JAIN 0111EC151030 9.21
    2 YASHI JAIN 0111EC151125 9.1
    3 PRANAY KUMAR 0111EC151064 9.02

  • Industrial visit

    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal conducted an industrial visit  at Doordarshan Kendra, Bhopal on 08 April 2022. During industrial visit, students learned about Satellite Transmission, Functioning of Transreciever, Television Programme Production Techniques, Earth station, Studio section and Post Production Techniques and Servers

    Industrial Visit  at Doordarshan Kendra Bhopal on 8th April 2022

    Industrial Visit @ Indian Meteorological Department Bhopal on Date : 1st Jan 2022

    Industrial Visit @ CRISP ,Bhopal, On Date:30th Dec 2021

    Industrial Visit @ Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited , Bhopal, on Date: 11th Oct 2019

    Industrial Visit @ CRISP ,Bhopal, On Date; 28th Sep 2019

    Industrial Visit @ Doordarshan,Bhopal, on Date: 1st Jan 2022

     Industrial Visit @ Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Bhopal on Date: 6th February 2019

    Industrial Visit @ Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Bhopal on Date: 6th February 2020

    Industrial Visit @ MP Power Transmission corporation Ltd. (MPPTCL), Bhopal on Date: 12th January 2020

    Industrial Visit @ MP Power Transmission corporation Ltd. (MPPTCL), Bhopal on Date: 28th January 2020

    Industrial Visit @  CRISP ,Bhopal, Date: 27th Sep 2019

  • Grants received Recently

    Name of the faculty Project


    Project TypeResearch/Consultancy Funding


    Amount Duration/ Dates
    Dr Vibha Tiwari National conference on recent research and innovation in electronic communication engineering Research MPCST 42000 2 Days


    Dr Vibha Tiwari MEDIROBO: A smart Humanoid Robot for medical Assistance Research TEQIP-III RGPV 300000 1 Year
    Dr Vibha Tiwari FDP “ A Practical Approach to Signals and systems Research TEQIP-III RGPV 150000 5 Days


    Dr Vikas Gupta Five Days online FDP on Internet of Things” Sponsored by ATAL AICTE Research AICTE 93000 5 Days



    Industrial consultancy work done recently

    Name of the faculty Project


    Project Type Research/ Consultancy Funding


    Amount Duration
    Dr Vikas Gupta Design and Development of Sound Acoustic Detector from Gun Shot Device. Consultancy Navigator Technologies 63500 3 Months


    Six Days Workshop

    “Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning in association with IETE New Delhi”

    (Date-: 11th & 16th March 2019)

    Department of electronics and communication Engineering Organized one Week workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” in association with IETE New Delhi &   Techsim+, during 11th March to 16th March, 2019. Dr. Vikas Gupta, Head of department Electronics and Communication Engineering department ,TIT  Bhopal  presented a detailed overlook about machine Learning and how the institutes like TIT and IETE is going to help students in achieving their career goals.


    Two Days Workshop

    “Sixth Sense Technology in association with IETE New Delhi”

    (Date-20th-21st March 2018)

    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Technocrats Institute of Technology Bhopal has organized a two day workshop on “Sixth Sense Technology” from dated 2021 March 2018 in association with IETE New Delhi & Robokart , Inovation cell, IIT Bombay. The resource person for this workshop was Mr. Sameer Ambre, ROBOCRATS Innovation cell IIT Bombay. This workshop has been conducted to bring the awareness about sixth sense technology among the students.



     “Internet of Things by TI”

    (Date-21st June 2018 to 4th July 2018)


    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Technocrats Institute of Technology Bhopal have organized Training on “Internet of Things” by TI from Dates 21st June 2018 to 4th July 2018. The resource person for this Training was Mr.Sandeep Agrawal, Texas Instruments Bangalore. This work shop has been conducted to bring the awareness about the development of various applications using Android.


    One day Workshop

    Electronics Circuit”

    (Date-28th September 2018)


    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal is organizing a one day workshop on “Electronics Circuit “on dated 28th September 2018. The resource person for this workshop is Dr.Rajesh Nema Professor , Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering TIT Bhopal.


    Two Days Workshop

    “PCB design and fabrication under student chapter IETE New Delhi”

    (Date-15th to 16th October 2018)


    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal has organized a two days workshop on “PCB design and fabrication” in association with “Aakar 2019, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay by vigyantram & student chapter IETE New Delhi on date 15th & 16th October 2018. The resource person for this workshop is Mr. Shubham Gupta   (Assistant manager) ,Wingfotech Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.


    Two Days Workshop

    PCB Design and Fabrication in association with IETE New Delhi

    (Date-15th & 16th September 2017)

    Department of Electronics and Communication of Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal had successfully organized two day workshop on “PCB design and fabrication” in collaboration with IETE New Delhi & NSSC, IIT Kharagpur under the banner of “Utkranti 2018” on 15 Sep to 16 Sep 2017.


    Two Day Workshop

     “Internet of Things in association with IETE New Delhi”

    (25th & 26th September 2017)


    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Technocrat institute of Technology Bhopal has organised a workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT)” in association with IIT Varanasi & IETE New Delhi on 25th -26th Sept. 2017. The resource person for this workshop was Mr Prateek Gupta and Mr Naveen Kumar Marati,  Innovians Technologies Pvt Ltd Delhi. They discussed with students that the Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or “things” embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data.


    Two Days Workshop

    “Solar Power Generation and Automation under student chapter IETE New Delhi

    (Date-30th -31st October 2017)

    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Technocrats Institute of Technology Bhopal has organized a two day workshop on “Solar Power generation and Automation” from 30 to 31 October 2017 under student chapter IETE New Delhi. The resource person for this workshop was Mr.Saniyam Indurakiyan, Director Saitech Space Energy System Pvt Ltd Bhopal. This workshop has been conducted to bring the awareness about Solar Power generation and Automation” among the students.


    Two Days workshop

    “Embedded System in association with IETE New Delhi”

                                                                     (Date-16th and 17th November 2017)


    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Technocrats Institute of Technology Bhopal has organized a two day workshop on “Embedded System” from 16th & 17th November 2017 under student chapter IETE New Delhi. The resource person for this workshop was Mr. Mr.Abhigyanam Director Indeyes Infotech Pvt Ltd Bhopal. This workshop has been conducted to bring the awareness about Embedded System & evolution of embedded systems among the students. Total 70 nos. of students from third & final year have attended this workshop.


  • Faculty Participation in Inter-Institute Activities


      1. Dr. Vibha Tiwari , awarded by a certificate for exceptional contribution as a Primary Evaluator in TOYCATHON 2021.  Under the ‘AatmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ initiated by our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modi, Toycathon-2021 is conceived to challenge India’s innovative minds to conceptualize novel Toy and Games based on Bharatiya civilization, history, culture, mythology and ethos. Toycathon 2021 is an inter-ministerial initiative organized by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell with support from All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of MSME, Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.


        1. Dr. Vibha Tiwari contributed as session chair in IETE National conference on VLSI Communication and signal Processing in NCVCS 2021, organized by Dept. of Electronics and communication Engineering , Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology from 27th -28th nov. 2021


        1. Dr. Vikas Gupta contributed as session chair in IETE National conference on VLSI Communication and signal Processing in NCVCS 2021, organized by Dept. of Electronics and communication Engineering , Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology from 27th -28th nov. 2021


        1. Dr. Vibha Tiwari Delivered Expert Lectures in Two week Online refresher Course in Information Technology, awareness and Application conducted from 21 Oct- 03 nov. 2020 at UGC –Human Resource Development centre , Guru Nanak dev University , Amritsar. Topics of her Lecture were (i) ICT in Education (ii) ICT tools and Resources.


        1. Dr. Vibha Tiwari Successfully completed the Online Orientation Training Program for Mentors organized from 29th June -4th July 2020 under National Initiative for Technical training , AICTE, New Delhi


        1. Dr. Vibha Tiwari successfully completed NPTEL Online certification Course on “Digital Circuits” July-Oct 2019


    FDP/Workshop/ Seminar /Conference /Teachers Training attended by Faculty (Session 2018-19)
    S.No Name of Faculty Dates Training Description Place
    1 Prof. Faraz Ahmed Naqvi 21-26th        April 2018 National workshop on recent trends in science technology and management Technocrats Institute of Technology-MBA
    2 Prof. Divya Jain 5th  and 6th April 2019 STTP on “Teaching Laplace and Fourier Transform :Effective and Appropriate Pedagogy” TIT Bhopal
    8th to 10th April 2019 FDP on “ 5 G MIMO Communication Technology” S I S Tech Bhopal
    26th-30th March 2019 TTP on “Internet of Things and It’s Application ” R G P V Bhopal
    3 Dr. Vibha Tiwari 26th-30th March 2019 TTP on “Internet of Things and It’s Application ” R G P V Bhopal



    FDP/Workshop/ Seminar /Conference /Teachers Training attended by Faculty (Session 2019-20)  
    S.No Name of Faculty Dates Training Description Place  
    1 Prof. Shivraj Singh 10-14 Dec 2019 FDP on A practical approach to signals and system  under TEQIP-III Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal  
    16-20 Dec 2019 FDP on Artificial intelligence and machine learning using Python  under TEQIP-III Oriental Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal  
    24.12.2019 Workshop on Awareness on NBA Accreditation under TEQIP-III Bansal Institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal  
    2 Prof. Jatin Agrawal June 19, 2020. Webinar on “Renewable Energy Sources and Utilization” Lakshmi Narain College of Technology & Science Bhopal  
    June 8, 2020. Webinar on “Reverse Engineering” Lakshmi Narain College of Technology & Science Bhopal  
    June 13, 2020. Webinar on “additive manufacturing in biomedical application ” Lakshmi Narain College of Technology & Science Bhopal  
    3 Prof. Shivendra Singh 04-08 may 2020 AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Internet of Things(IoT)” MANIT BHOPAL  
    4 Dr. Girraj Prasad Rathor 08-10 June 2020 FDP on application of Laplace transform and technique in engineering Oriental Institute of Science & Technology BHOPAL  
    23.06.2020 webinar on internet of things using  NODEMCU shiv kumar singh institute of technology and science  
    5 Dr. Vibha Tiwari 22.06.2020 one day workshop Under TEQIP III on Role of teachers and students in inculcating Human Values in Technical Education LNCT and LNCT&S bhopal  
    29 June-4 July 2020 Orientation training program for mentors NITTTR  
    17-19 June2020 Faculty Development Programme on “E-Pedagogy and Capacity Building” IIM Raipur  
    6 Prof. Divya Jain 20.05.2020 e -quiz on physics Lakshmi Narain College of Technology – [LNCT],Bhopal,  
    22.05.2020 Online Introductory course on “Open Source Tools for Instructional Scaffolding” Sree Sankara Vidyapeetom College, Valayanchirangara,Perumbavoor, Kerala, India  
    20.05.2020 webinar on “Play Work of Police in the COVID-19” Lakshmi Narain College of Technology – [LNCT],Bhopal,  
    23-28 May 2020 Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Recent Advances in Material Characterization National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Chandigarh  
    01-06 June 2020 Faculty Development Programme on‘Arduino’ J.D College of Engineering and Management,Nagpur  
    08-12 June 2020 Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Programming using MATLAB National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Chandigarh  
    10-12 Dec 2019 FDP on A practical approach to signals and system  under TEQIP-III Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal  
    25-29 may 2020 Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Research Trends in VLSI Design National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Chandigarh  
    23-27 Sept 2019 FDP  on “5G Mobile Communication” LNCT Bhopal  
    01-06 June 2020 One Week Online Workshop  on “Innovation Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship” Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad.  
    7 Prof. Hemant Verma 10-14 Dec 2019 FDP on A practical approach to signals and system  under TEQIP-III Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal  
    24.12.2019 Workshop on Awareness on NBA Accreditation under TEQIP-III Bansal Institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal  
    8 Prof. Hema singh 25.06.2020 One day national webnar on recent  advanced in visible light communication anketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College,Visakhapatnam  
    22.06.2020 Webinar on “Socio-Economic Challenges After Covid 19: A path ahead Maharaja Ranjit Singh College
    of Professional Sciences Indore
    9 Prof. Neeraj Tiwari 10-14 Dec 2019 FDP on A practical approach to signals and system  under TEQIP-III Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal  
    10 Prof. Saima Khan 03-05-2020 International Symposium on”“Technology Driven Innovations” School of Research & Technology People’s University, Bhopal  
    11 Mr.Manish Gurjar 09-11 Jan 2020 Faculty Development Program for Student Induction
    IES College of Technology, Bhopal  



    Workshop/ Seminar /Conference /Teachers Training attended by Faculty (Session 2020-21)

    S.No Name of Faculty Dates Training Description Place
    1 Mr. Shivraj Singh 13-17 Oct2020 AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on Internet of Things (IoT) Institute of Engineering and Technology Devi Ahilya University, Indore.
    20-24 Oct2020 AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on  Photonics Institute of Engineering and Technology Devi Ahilya University, Indore.
    02-07 Nov. 2020 Short Term Training Programme on Computational Techniques Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal
    01-05 Dec 2020 AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP onRobotics- An Application in Medical Science” Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,Bhopal.
    14-19 Dec 2020 Short Term Training Programme on “Computational Methods in Signal Processing and Machine Learning INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY INDORE
    11-17 Feb2021 AICTE-ISTE Orientation programme on Industrial application of MATLAB OIMT Damoh
    31.05.2021 webinar  “Next
    Generation Of Wireless Antenna Technologies”
    2 Prof. Shivendra Singh 14-19 Dec 2020 Short Term Training Programme on “Computational Methods in Signal Processing and Machine Learning INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY INDORE
    3 Dr. Vikas Gupta 13-17 Oct 2020 AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Internet of Things (IoT)” Institute of Engineering and Technology Devi Ahilya University Indore.
    19-25 March 2021 AICTE -ISTE approved orientation programme on”Emerging treds on network and IOT” Infinity managements & engineering college Sagar( M.P.)
    4 Dr Girraj Prasad Rathor 05-24 Oct 2020 Webinar on AI master class Andhra pradesh state skill development corporation and pantech prolabs india Pvt. Ltd
    5 Dr. Vibha Tiwari 27 July-         01 Aug. 2020 AICTE sponsored one week Short Term Training Programme onEmbeded system design with IoT Sagar institute of Research & Technology, Bhopal
    02-07 Nov. 2020 Short Term Training Programme on Computational Techniques Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal
    14-19 Sep 2020 AICTE sponsored one week Short Term Training Programme on  Post Covid Challenges in Teaching and Learning Sagar institute of Research & Technology, Bhopal
    6 Mr. Sandip Shukla 08-14 April 2021 AICTE-ISTE Approved Programme on ” Industrial Application of MATLAB” Ojswani Institute Of Management & Technology Damoh MP
    11-17 Feb 2021 AICTE-ISTE Approved Programme on ” Industrial Application of MATLAB” Ojswani Institute Of Management & Technology Damoh MP
    27.11.2020 Webinar on 5G Technology Eklavaya university, Damoh
    14-19 Dec 2020 short term course on “Computational Methods in Signal Processing and Machine Learning” INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY INDORE
    16-22 April 2021 AICTE-ISTE approved Orientation/Refresher Programme on “Emerging Trends on Networks & IoT” Infinity Management & Engineering College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh.
    7 Prof. Hema singh 05-10 Oct.2020 AICTE Sponsored One- Week Online Short Term Training Program on ‘Advances in Biomedical Signal Processing with Hands-on’, Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha’s
    Cummins College of Engineering for WomenKarvenagar, Pune
    25.07.2020 One Day Online National Workshop on “Next Generation Communication System- Challenges and Opportunities” under TEQIP III MITS, Gwalior
    01.07.2020 one day webinar on “Energy and Environment problems facing the third world and their probable solutions for Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation” IEEE, M.P. Subsection and IETE, Gwalior
    8 Mr sandip nemade 13-17 Oct. 2020 ATAL FDP on “Internet of Things (IoT)” Institute of Engineering and Technology Devi Ahilya University
    9 Divya Jain 14-20 June2021 Online TTP on “Outcome Based Education and Accreditation process ” Oriental College of Technology Bhopal
    27-01 Aug. 2020 Online STTP on “Embedded system design with IoT ” Sagar Institute of Research and Technology Bhopal

  • “Internet of Things” Day1″
    “Internet of Things” Day2″
    “Internet of Things” Day3″
    “Internet of Things” Day4″
    “Internet of Things” Day5″
    “Filter based image denoising methods” – Dr Vikas Gupta
    “Internet of Things” – Dr. Kavita Burse
    The 5th Generation Mobile Technology- Dr. Vivek Sharma 
    “Introduction of Wavelets” – Dr. Vibha Tiwari
    “Low Power Dynamic CMOS Logic” – Prof. Sandip Nemade
    “Biomedical Diagnosis & Imaging Techniques” – Prof Hema Singh
    “ECG Signal Analysis Using Digital Signal Processing Techniques” – Prof. Divya Jain
    Wireless Sensor Network” – Prof. Saleha Siddiqui

  • Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal
    Department of Electronics and Communication
    Online NPTEL Video lecture Detail
    S.no Sem Subject Code Topic Link
    1 III EMI  EC302 Multi-meter, Power meter, https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105153
    2 III EMI  EC302 Different parts of CRO, Block diagram, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FVzYLEdSA8
    3 III EMI  EC302 Transducer https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108108147
    4 III EMI  EC302 Signal and Function Generators https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108108111/L40.html
    5 III EMI  EC302 Digital-to-analog conversion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1ZOFIpc-Mc
    6 III EMI  EC302 Analog-todigital Conversion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nigEcGE2Ql0
    7 III EMI  EC302 Resolution and sensitivity of digital multi-meter. http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108105153/L24.html
    8 III DSD EC303 Number Systems https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108105113/L06.html
    9 III DSD EC303 Logic gates and binary operations https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105113
    10 III DSD EC303 Sequential Circuits (Contd.) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105113
    11 III DSD EC303 Finite State Machine https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105113
    12 III DSD EC303 Memory https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105113
    13 III DSD EC303 Decoders, Multiplexers, PLA https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105113
    14 III DSD EC303 Data Converters https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105113
    15 III  ED EC304 Semiconductor Material Properties https://nptel.ac.in/courses/113105025
    16 III  ED EC304 Special diodes https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117107095
    17 III  ED EC304 Rectifiers-Half wave, Full wave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofW4DZH83JQ
    18 III  ED EC304 Fundamentals of BJT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHTyw4GGnRo
    19 III  ED EC304 Hybrid model https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rcopzJWayQ
    20 III  ED EC304 Class A,Class B,Class AB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpvmeG1hs7k
    21 III  ED EC304 n-channel and p-channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuBiC9yz2fc
    22 III  ED EC304 Enhancement and Depletion MOSFET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuBiC9yz2fc
    23 III NA EC305 basic circuit element R,L,C https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZEZUysFPDY
    24 III NA EC305 KCL and KVL analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pFF1oAYgQI
    25 III NA EC305 Network Graph theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BQ2yyC6Lc8
    26 III NA EC305 Network Theorems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouQoab7GVRQ
    27 III NA EC305 Transients in RL, RC&RLC Circuits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT7-R1Ez6Vg
    28 III NA EC305 Laplace transform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9NibpoQjDk
    29 III NA EC305 Initial & final value theorem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9NibpoQjDk
    30 III NA EC305 Two port parameters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q3YTKh10FE
    31 IV SS EC402 Principles of Signals and Systems https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104100
    32 IV SS EC402 Analog and Digital Signals https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104100
    33 IV SS EC402 Energy and Power Signals https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104100
    34 IV SS EC402 Memory/Memory-less and Causal/ Non-Causal Systems https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104100
    35 IV SS EC402 Laplace Transform Properties https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104100
    36 IV SS EC402 Z-Transform https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104100
    37 IV SS EC402 Inverse z-Transform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv6o4FpjMB8
    38 IV SS EC402 Properties and application of discrete time Fourier series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8wuqYsdnSs
    39 IV SS EC402 State-space analysis and multi-input, multi-output representation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrXOMBlYFp0
    40 IV SS EC402 Sampling Theorem and its implications https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUCMavXbJo4
    41 IV AC EC403 Fourier transform and its properties https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkAvgVUvYvY
    42 IV AC EC403 Communication channels Need for modulation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YahdHyZLL4
    43 IV AC EC403 Single Side Band Modulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ccrXpAJgjs
    44 IV AC EC403 Generation of AM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8Jod9AtpN4
    45 IV AC EC403 Types of angle modulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsUaHawPy-w
    46 IV AC EC403 FM transmitter & receiver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd5XkVqdWOg
    47 IV AC EC403 AM transmitter& receiver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8Jod9AtpN4
    48 IV AC EC403 Noise in AM, FM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT1Y97riAQQ
    49 IV AC EC403 Classification of noise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-4ZFEnqVEg
    50 IV AC EC403 effect of noise on AM &FM receivers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAA_W0ADkKA
    51 IV CS EC404 Introduction to Control system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcuGxWc0HyQ
    52 IV CS EC404 Open loop and closed loop systems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT8WEBQQqro
    53 IV CS EC404 linearization effect of feedback https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-uf6Hq6d-4
    54 IV CS EC404 time response of 1st order system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziu1OTwUrbw
    55 IV CS EC404 time response of 2nd order system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLyT6OWcmyU
    56 IV CS EC404 effects of additions of poles and zeros to open loop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDj9-XgA5B8
    57 IV CS EC404 Correlation between time and frequency response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL1iB2HeCGQ
    58 IV CS EC404 Nyquist stability criterion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXbKYT1G6Xs
    59 IV CS EC404 phase lead and phase lead-lag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F3TOTY9vDE
    60 IV CS EC404 State space representation of systems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xajgSUci9zs
    61 IV CS EC404 relationship between state equation and transfer function, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xajgSUci9zs
    62 IV AC EC405 Concept of feedback and their types https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4sjTt7rhow
    63 IV AC EC405 Feedback Topologies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4sjTt7rhow
    64 IV AC EC405 Positive feedback and oscillation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHNDrbB-iWY
    65 IV AC EC405 Oscillatiors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iPRR6iCD8A
    66 IV AC EC405 The Differential Amplifiers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d59AYNq8FEs
    67 IV AC EC405 Differential and Operational Amplifier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwEa50roJDM
    68 IV AC EC405 Applications of Op Amps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xki9taCqsWY
    69 IV AC EC405 Op-amp Based Linear Voltage Regulator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rRKmZs2IiI
    70 IV AC EC405 Opamp, ideal opamp circuits, non-inverting and inverting amplifiers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYQ4J94EDdg
    71 IV AC EC405 Gain Error Calculation in Op amp Circuits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb4YNZ0X3SE
    72 IV AC EC405 Instrumentation Amplifier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssEAzB8MR7g
    73 IV AC EC405 OP-Amp Power Supply Rejection Ration (PSRR ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upom1IOVidk
    74 IV AC EC405 Specification of OP Amplifiers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0O6agimfSk
    75 IV AC EC405 555-Timer circuit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFsPI8_ZKbc
    76 V MPMC EC501 8086 Architecture https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103157
    77 V MPMC EC501 Pins and Signals https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103157
    78 V MPMC EC501 8086 Programming https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103157
    79 V MPMC EC501 Programable DMA Controller (8237), Serial I/O https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103157
    80 V MPMC EC501 Programable Communication interface(8251) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103157
    81 V MPMC EC501 I/O Interfacing and Timer https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103157
    82 V MPMC EC501 Traffic light control, A/D converter https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103157
    83 V MPMC EC501 8051Microcontroller https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105102
    84 V MPMC EC501 addressing modes OF 8051 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9wxyIx-j-c
    85 V MPMC EC501 8051 architecture, pin description http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108105102/L31.html
    86 V DC EC502 Sampling, Aliasing, Nyquist Theorem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_lP3AiGfO8
    87 V DC EC502 Sampling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUCMavXbJo4
    88 V DC EC502 Quantization Noise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBIzvTg0KyM
    89 V DC EC502 Delta Modulation, One-bit Quantizer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28STyWHDrN4
    90 V DC EC502 Line Coding Schemes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDptDPGhzJE
    91 V DC EC502 ASK, BPSK https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104098/L13.html
    92 V DC EC502 Introduction to Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104098/L15.html
    93 V DC EC502 Optimal Decision Rule for FSK, Bit Error Rate (BER) https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104098/L16.html
    94 V DC EC502 Introduction to Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104098/L17.html
    95 V DC EC502 Matched Filtering, Bit Error Rate and Symbol Error Rate for (QPSK) https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104098/L19.html
    96 V DC EC502 M-ary PSK https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104098/L24.html
    97 V CNTL EC503 Image Impedance, Iterative Impedance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2_dOFe9GLw
    98 V CNTL EC503 Concept of Image impedance and Propagation Constan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d6xB8oA8fg
    99 V CNTL EC503 Equations of Voltage and Current on TX line https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117101056
    100 V CNTL EC503 Smith Chart https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117101056
    101 V CNTL EC503 Passiv Filter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u59IUA6uvjk
    102 V CNTL EC503 Analog Chebyshev LPF Design https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IZtWnGV-K4
    103 V CNTL EC503 RC & RL One-port Synthesis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNzL083lvfo
    104 V CNTL EC503 Bott Duffin Method https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12ySQUJS_yw
    105 V CNTL EC503 Transmission Line Effects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXfPchdJIQs
    106 V CNTL EC503 DISTORTIONLESS LINE – MINIMUM ATTENUATION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHY7_tq1qMg
    107 V CNTL EC503 Applications of transmission lines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smwDwfBoDUY
    108 V EMT EC504 Electric Field https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FZusYyg0Po
    109 V EMT EC504 Introduction to EMT https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104087/L01.html
    110 V EMT EC504 Coulombs law https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104087/L02.html
    111 V EMT EC504 Rectangular coordinate system https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104087/L04.html
    112 V EMT EC504 Cylindrical coordinate system https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104087/L08.html
    113 V EMT EC504 Electric Potential https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104087/L10.html
    114 V EMT EC504 pherical co-ordinate system and Electric potentia https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104087/L11.html
    115 V EMT EC504 Gauss’s law and its application https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104087/L13.html
    116 V EMT EC504 Divergence and Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108104087/L15.html
    117 VI DSP EC601 Signal Definition & Classification https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    118 VI DSP EC601 Even and Odd Parts of a Signal https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    119 VI DSP EC601 The Unit Step Sequence ,The Unit Impulse https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    120 VI DSP EC601 Elementary Signals , Systems and their Properties https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    121 VI DSP EC601  LTI Systems and Convolution https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    122 VI DSP EC601  Introduction to the Z-transform https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    123 VI DSP EC601  Inverse DTFT, Further properties of LTI systems https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    124 VI DSP EC601  Frequency Response https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    125 VI DSP EC601 Inverse Z-transform https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    126 VI DSP EC601 Phase Response https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106151
    127 VI AWP EC602 Electric Field and Potential https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBCTLNZ6fdE
    128 VI AWP EC602 Radiation from a current Element https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fiHH1Qcy2o
    129 VI AWP EC602 Radiation from Quarter Wave Monopole or Half Wave Dipole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn9WJBK6SyQ
    130 VI AWP EC602 Fields of a dipole antenna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KROPNU6pYY
    131 VI AWP EC602 Solutions of Laplace Equation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjcF0rvRolw
    132 VI AWP EC602 Network Theorems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnjiLg4xfh8
    133 VI AWP EC602 Antenna Array Theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpa1UO_gjaM
    134 VI AWP EC602 Design Patterns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xUz1fp23TQ
    135 VI DC EC603(A) Interfacing to the Media http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L15.html
    136 VI DC EC603(A) Error Detection and Correction http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L16.html
    137 VI DC EC603(A)  Flow and Error Control http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L17.html
    138 VI DC EC603(A) Data Link Control http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L18.html
    139 VI DC EC603(A) Switching Techniques Circuit Switching http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L19.html
    140 VI DC EC603(A) Switching Techniques Packet Switching http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L20.html
    141 VI DC EC603(A) Routing http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L21.html
    142 VI DC EC603(A) Congestion Control http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L23.html
    143 VI DC EC603(A) X.25 and Frame Relay http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L24.html
    144 VI DC EC603(A) ATM http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L25.html
    145 VI DC EC603(A) Medium Access Control http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L26.html
    146 VI DC EC603(A) IEEE 802 LANs http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L29.html
    147 VI DC EC603(A) Wireless LANs http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L31.html
    148 VI DC EC603(A) TCP/IP http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106105082/L35.html
    149 VI MC&ES EC604 8051 Interfacing https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/108105102/L58.html
    150 VI MC&ES EC604 Interfacing DAC and ADC with 8051 Microcontroller https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFIiJ6bJUNE
    151 VI MC&ES EC604 Stepper Motor Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlpQuaQEQ8A
    152 VI MC&ES EC604 8051 Serial Data Communication https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOrs4ffP-Wc
    153 VI MC&ES EC604 8051 Timer/Counter Operation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SZPr4iGACg
    154 VI MC&ES EC604  Introduction to Embedded System Design https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108102169
    155 VI MC&ES EC604 Salient Features of Modern Microcontrollers Continued https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108102169
    156 VI MC&ES EC604 MSP430 Digital I/O: Switch Interfacing https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108102169
    157 VI MC&ES EC604 Von Neumann Architecture Vs Harvard Architecture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzu1s7SEDAY
    158 VII VLSI Design EC701 Lithography https://nptel.ac.in/courses/103106075
    159 VII VLSI Design EC701 Packaging and Testing ICS https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108108031
    160 VII VLSI Design EC701 Bipolar Junction Transistor Fabrication https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106093
    161 VII VLSI Design EC701 Crystal growth Contd + Epitaxy https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106093
    162 VII VLSI Design EC701 CMOS Technology https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106093
    163 VII VLSI Design EC701 Dc Models, Small Signal Models, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muvucBFQzMw
    164 VII VLSI Design EC701 High Frequency model of mosfet https://www.nptelvideos.com/video.php?id=2418
    165 VII VLSI Design EC701 Analog Circuits and Systems through SPICE Simulation https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117105147
    166 VII VLSI Design EC701 NOC:CMOS Digital VLSI Design, https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108107129
    167 VII VLSI Design EC701 Fabrication of CMOS Integrated Circuits https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117103066
    168 VII MW EC702 Introduction to Microwave Engineering https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103141
    169 VII MW EC702 Rectangular and Circular Waveguides https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103141
    170 VII MW EC702 Microwave Networks and Scattering Matrix https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103141
    171 VII MW EC702 Microwave Resonators https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103141
    172 VII MW EC702 Microwave Tubes https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103141
    173 VII MW EC702 Introduction to Microwave Integrated Circuits (MIC) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103141
    174 VII MW EC702 Microwave Communication Systems and other application areas https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103141
    175 VIII OFC EC801 Overview of fiber-optic communication systems https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    176 VIII OFC EC801 Boundary conditions and reflection from a PEC https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    177 VIII OFC EC801 Ray theory of light propagation in optical fibers https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    178 VIII OFC EC801 Concept of waveguide modes https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    179 VIII OFC EC801 Modal analysis of step index optical fiber https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    180 VIII OFC EC801 Linearly polarized modes https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    181 VIII OFC EC801 Modes in Optical fibers & Pulse propagation in optical fibers https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    182 VIII OFC EC801 Structure of lasers, Process of photon emission https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    183 VIII OFC EC801 Erbium-doped fiber amplifier https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    184 VIII OFC EC801 Photodetectors https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    185 VIII OFC EC801 Couplers, Circulators, FRM and Filters https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    186 VIII OFC EC801 Filter, MUX/DEMUX, Diffraction grating (FBG and Long period grating) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104113
    187 VIII WC EC802 The modern wireless Communication Systems https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    188 VIII WC EC802 The cellular concept – System Design issues https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    189 VIII WC EC802 Cell capacity and reuse https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    190 VIII WC EC802 Interference and System capacity https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    191 VIII WC EC802 Improving coverage and system capacity https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    192 VIII WC EC802 Mobile Radio Propagation https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    193 VIII WC EC802 Modulation Techniques for Mobile Communication https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    194 VIII WC EC802 Equalization and Diversity Techniques https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    195 VIII WC EC802 Coding Techniques for Mobile Communications https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    196 VIII WC EC802 Wireless Networks https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062
    197 VIII WC EC802 GSM and CDMA https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062


    Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal
    Department of Electronics and Communication 
    Online Google Class Room  Detail
    Sem Sub  Code  Subject Name Class code Faculty Name
    III EC302 Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation r5vlagg Prof. Devkant Sen
    III EC303 Digital System Design 1. 3oc7vv7,                2. z3zq4e7        3.7golvnx Prof. Devkant Sen,             2.  Dr. Vibha Tiwari     3.Prof.Saima Khan
    III EC304 Electronic Devices 1.ga2cdvb    2.5bvitzk 1.Dr. vibha Tiwari    2.Prof..Saima khan
    III EC305 Network Analysis 4ms70gx Prof. Shivraj Singh
    IV ES401 Energy & Environmental Engineering dyhh7by Prof. Hemant Verma
    IV EC 402 Signal & System i2fuf66,cg7hedh Dr. vibha Tiwari, Prof Divya Jain
    IV EC 403 Analog Communication y3v7ke Dr. vikas gupta
    IV EC 404 Control System dyhh7by Prof. Hemant Verma
    IV EC 405 Analog Circuit 3oc7vv7,4ms70gx Prof. Devkant Sen, Prof. Shivraj Singh
    V EC 501 Microprocessor & Application n33CbxV Prof. Sandeep Nimade
    V EC 502 Digital Comm i2fuf66,y3v7ke Dr. vibha Tiwari, Dr. vikas gupta
    V EC 503 CNTL 40064wc Prof. Shivraj Singh
    V EC 504 (A) EMT (Electro Magnetic (Theory)  EMT (Electro Magnetic (Theory) g2p2aop Prof. Neeraj Tiwari
    VI EC 601 Digital Signal Processing vrylruh,gdzygnu Dr. vibha Tiwari,Prof Divya Jain
    VI EC 602 Antenna & Wave Propagation t6mql4c,40064wc Prof. Devkant Sen,Prof. Shivraj Singh
    VI EC 603A Data Communication op2fyq4 Dr. vibha Tiwari
    VI EC 604A Microcontroller & Embedded System avp5s5s Prof. Sandeep Nimade
    VII EC 701 VLSI Design 2ZXY03S Prof. Sandeep Nimade
    VII EC 702A Microwave x37p77i  Dr. vikas gupta
    VIII EC 801 Optical Fibre Comm rgnZC7m Prof. Sandeep Nimade
    VIII EC 802B Wireless Communication 3oc7vv7,Xtprr52 Prof. Devkant Sen,Prof. Hemant Verma
    VIII 803(A)  Wireless Network necphr5,vgqsxj5 Prof Divya Jain,Prof. Shivraj Singh


    Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal
    Department of Electronics and Communication
    Online You Tube Video lecture Detail
    S.no.  Subject Topic Faculty Name you tube link
    1 AWP  Dielectric Resonator Antenna Dr.Archana Sharma https://youtu.be/w6k1VFXTbso
    2 DSD Flip -Flop Dr.Archana Sharma https://youtu.be/yChqa9baInM
    3 WC Wireless Communication: Introduction Prof. Saima Khan https://youtu.be/z-EU7F8GFIM
    4 Analog Electronics Operational Amplifier Prof. Devkant Sen https://youtu.be/TjQPt4kMYUU
    5 S&System Z Transform and its Properties  Prof. Divya Jain https://youtu.be/YRZEGdZoDOI
    6 Control System Transfer function of control system   Prof. Hemant Verma https://youtu.be/qBcMx5fsYSM
    7 CMC Introduction to wireless communication and GSM architecture  Prof. Divya Jain https://youtu.be/WfWVx9qGyiM
    8 WC Wireless Communication:Propagation Mechanism Prof. Saima Khan https://youtu.be/UwBw0OT4cgM
    9 EMT Boundary condition 1 Prof. Neeraj Tiwari https://youtu.be/KfudmULdouM
    10 EMT Boundary condition 2 Prof. Neeraj Tiwari https://youtu.be/Lnksy0ziWnc
    11 AWP Basic parameters of Antenna Prof. Devkant Sen https://youtu.be/HY8fVyCoZzY
    12 Control System First order system Prof. Hemant Verma https://youtu.be/MObrYp1Q4W0
    13 OFC OFC Prof. Manish Gurjar https://youtu.be/c2hqDjrHmLM
    14 Analog Circuit Comparator by  Prof. Neeraj Tiwari https://youtu.be/MG5DG2BFfiE
    15 MPMC Introduction to 8085  Dr. Ompal Singh https://youtu.be/8XuiDthHWfM
    16 MES Microcontroller Dr. Giriraj Rathor https://youtu.be/eJx2CzgB0w8
    17 MES Embedded system Dr. Giriraj Rathor https://youtu.be/-rf-ZWsUtOQ
    18 MPMC Basics of Microprocessor Dr. Giriraj Rathor https://youtu.be/XI8jbB5KgOE
    19 AWP Antenna Array  Prof Shivraj Singh https://youtu.be/L07CwHQ_dPs
    20 NW Source transformation  Prof Shivraj Singh https://youtu.be/3FYGCGrgbcA
    21 NW Network Theorem  Prof Shivraj Singh https://youtu.be/Yr_PUPK6LTc
    22 Microwave Engineering Microwave Engineering  Dr Vikas Gupta https://youtu.be/cTRs69zR3DY
    23 EMI Electronics measurement and Instrument Dr. Jitendra Mathur https://youtu.be/iWSUmbQAj_M
    24 Electronic devices introduction semiconductor Dr. Vibha Tiwari https://youtu.be/Ous2butN4g0
    25 Signals and systems  Properties of System part-1 Dr. Vibha Tiwari https://youtu.be/O8jd-40-QDQ
    26 Signals and Systems Properties of system part 2 Dr. Vibha Tiwari https://youtu.be/5ZSOJ-ILH3U
    27 Signals and systems  Convolution sum part 1 Dr. Vibha Tiwari https://youtu.be/5YyxC0x9c1s
    28 EMI CRO Prof. Sandeep Shukla https://youtu.be/ETIwYbhG6y4
    29 EMI voltmeter & ammeter Prof. Sandeep Shukla https://youtu.be/1xEm4P2EwSs
    30 DSD Half Adder Prof. Devkant Sen https://youtu.be/mgIsqM3fLrI
    31 DSP Sampling and Reconstrunction Prof. Devkant Sen https://youtu.be/BY4xIvo-qnM
    32 DCS Digital circuit lab  Dr Ompal Singh https://youtu.be/vz0FqTHWP0k
    33 DCS Digital circuit lab  Dr Ompal Singh https://youtu.be/1O-5K_yVKO4
    34 DCS Digital circuit lab  Dr Ompal Singh https://youtu.be/Ef3EJT2Lk1A
    35 DCS Digital circuit lab  Dr Ompal Singh https://youtu.be/KnGp76A5u5E

  • Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal

    Department of Electronics & Communication

    Faculty International Journal/National conference in year: 2018-2019


    1. KhushaliKamle, Dr. Vikas Gupta, “Designing of SRAM cell organization to reduce leakage current”, International Journal of Innovative Trends in Engineering, vol. 50 (74), 2019.


    1. Vikas Gupta, Mukesh Kumar,” Design of High Speed 16×16 Bit MAC Units using Vedic Multiplier”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol.182 (17), pp. 45-48,Sep. 2018.


    1. Vikas Gupta, Ajit Kumar Thakur, “A Designed Diverse-Frequency Single Pole Antenna for Wi-MAX Systems”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, vol.6 (8), pp.412-415, Aug. 2018.


    1. Vikas Gupta, “A Designed Diverse-Frequency Single Pole Antenna for Wi-MAX Systems,” International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 6, Issue 08, 2018, ISSN (online): 2321-0613 (IJSRD/Vol. 6/Issue 08/2018/101).


    1. Vikas Gupta, “Designing of SRAM Cell Organization To Reduce Leakage Current,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TRENDS IN ENGINEERING (IJITE), ISSN: 2395-294, ISSUE: 74, Volume50, Number 01, February 2019.


    1. Vibha Tiwari, “A Novel Technique for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio,” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), e-ISSN: 2395-0056 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018.


    1. Vibha Tiwari, “Normalized Log Twining Function for DC Coefficients Scaling in LAB Colour Space,” International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-2456-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5386-2457-9 DOI: 10.1109/ICIRCA.2018.8597293, 11-12 July 2018.


    1. Vibha Tiwari, “Design High Speed FIR Filter based on Complex Vedic Multiplier using CBL Adder,” International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering (ICRIEECE), Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-5995-3 DOI:10.1109/ICRIEECE44171.2018.9008438 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5386-5996-0, 27-28 July 2018.


    1. Vibha Tiwari, “High Security Visual Crytography Schemes For Color Share Generation,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753Vol. 8, Issue 2, February, 2019,ISSN (Print): 2347-6710.


    1. Sandip Nemade, “Survey of High Secure Digital Image Watermarking using Different Transform Technique,” International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 3, ISSN (Online): 2249–071X, 22-06-2019.


    1. Shivraj singh, “Design and Implementation of Partition Multiplier based on Brent Kung Adder,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753Vol. 8, Issue 5, May 2019,ISSN (Print): 2347-6710.


    1. Shivraj singh, “Average Energy Efficient Dynamic Cluster Head based WSN using Fuzzy Inference System,” International Journal of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology, ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8753 ISSN (Print): 2347 – 6710 Volume 8, Issue 05, May 2019.


    1. Manish Gurjar, “Segmentation of Color Image using Morphological Processing,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753,ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2018.


    1. Manish Gurjar, “A survey on distributed denial service attacks detection and prevention in SDN internet of things,” International Journal for Scientific Research & Development,Vol. 6, Issue 10, dec 2018 ISSN (online): 2321-0613.


    1. Girraj Prasad Rathor, “Review on Control Strategies of Current Source Converter in Wind Energy System,” International Journal Online of Sports Technology & Human Engineering (IJOSTHE), ISSN: 2349-0772 | Volume 5 Issue 5 October2018.


    1. Divya Jain, “Recognition and Refinement of Distorted Fingerprints Using Markov Mapping,” International Journal of Research &Technology, ISSN: 2321–7529(Online) ISSN: 2321–7510 (Print) Volume. 06 Issues 02, April – July 2018..


    1. Divya Jain, “Design of Dual-Band Circular EBG Antenna for Different Applications,” International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Managemen, Volume-1, Issue-7, July 2018 ISSN (Online): 2581-5782.


    1. Divya Jain, “Color Image Compression Using Canonic Signed Digit And Block Based Image Coding,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753 ISSN (Print): 2347-6710 Vol. 8, Issue 4, April 2019.


    1. Prof. Anshul Awasthi, “Segmentation of Colour Image using Morphological Processing,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN (Online): 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2018.


    1. Prakash Gupta, “In future of 5G communication using LTE advance technology,” National Conference on recent research & innovation in electronics and Communication Engineering, 22-23 Feb. 2019.


    1. Abhishek Bhatt, “High Speed Multi-level Discrete Wavelet Transform using Canonic Signed Digit Technique,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.-5, Issue-7,May-2019.


    1. Ompal singh, “High Speed Multi-level Discrete Wavelet Transform using Canonic Signed Digit Technique,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.-5, Issue-7, May.


    1. Hemant Verma, “Low power consumption for radix-2 fast Fourier transform using DKG reversible gate,” National Conference on recent research & innovation in electronics and Communication Engineering, 22-23 feb 2019.


    1. Hemant Verma, “Reviw paper on machine learning based motion estimation controller for intelligent mobile system,” National Conference on recent research & innovation in electronics and Communication Engineering, 22-23-feb-2019.


    1. Hemant Chaubey, “A new feature eztraction and classification mechanisms for EEG signal processing, springer, Sept-2018.




    Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal

    Department of Electronics & Communication

    Faculty International Journal/National conference in year: 2019-2020

    1 Dr. Vikas Gupta, “Image Scrambling Techniques: A Review,” International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol.8, Issue 5, 2020| ISSN (online): 2321-0613                                         (IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 5/2020/061).


    1. Dr. Vibha Tiwari, “Implementation of Hybrid Intrusion Detection System in Wireless Sensors Network,” International Journal of Innovative Trends In Engineering (IJITE), ISSN: 2395-2946 ISSUE: 82, VOLUME 58, NUMBER 01, OCTOBER, 2019

    3.Prof. Sandip Nemade, “Design and Implementation of Tied Output Dynamic Dual Clocked Comparator,” International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 5, ISSN (Online): 2249–071X, 10-Oct-2019.

    1. Prof. Sandip Nemade, “Implementation of 64-Bit Approximate Multiplier for Accurate and High-Level Processing,” International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Volume 11, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2249–071X Date of publication: 11/02/2020 ISSUE: 82, VOLUME 58, NUMBER 01, OCTOBER, 2019
    2. Prof. Sandip Nemade, “High Speed and Area Efficient Pipelined Distributed Arithmetic Technique based Adaptive Filter,” International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Volume 11, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2249–071X Date of publication: 28/02/2020
    3. Prof. Shivraj singh, “A Review Paper on Collaborative Communication Techniques in FANET,” IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 8, Issue 4, june 2020 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613,Jjune ,2020
    4. Prof. Shivraj singh, “Universal Filtered Multicarrier Transmitter Implementation using FFT and FIR Filter,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Vol. 8, Issue 10, October 2019 ISSN(Online): 2319-8753 ISSN (Print): 2347-6710, October,2019
    5. Prof. Shivraj singh, “Good Quality And Minimum Error For Color Image Compression Using Dwt And Block Coding,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 12, December 2019, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753 ISSN (Print): 2347-6710, December,2019.
    6. Prof. Shivraj singh, “Parallel Counter Architecture of Transmission Gate Base Flip Flops Divided by N Pre Scalar Counter,” International Journal of Innovative Trends In Engineering (IJITE), ISSN: 2395-2946 ISSUE: 86, VOLUME 62, NUMBER 01, FEBRUARY, 2020
    7. Prof. Shivraj singh, “Comparative Study of Various Shift Register Based on Linear Feedback System,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753 ISSN (Print): 2347-6710 Vol. 8, Issue 11, November 2019.
    8. Prof. Devkant sen, “Collaborative decision for wormhole attack prevention in WSN,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN (Online): 2319-8753 ISSN (Print): 2347-6710 Vol. 8, Issue 11, November 2019.
    9. Dr. Girraj Prasad Rathor, “Load Analysis of Statcom With Voltage Regulation Controller Based Standalone Wind Energy System,” IJOSCIENCE (International Journal of JOURNAL ONLINE OF SCIENCE), Vol. 5 issue 7, 2019, July 2019.
    10. Dr. Archana Sharma, “Development of efficient and secured face Recognition using Biometrics,” International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 4, ISSN (Online): 2249–071X, Date of publication : 14/08/2019.
    11. Dr. Archana Sharma, “Coupling Methods of Dielectric Resonator Antenna, “International Journal of Recent Trends and Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering,” International Journal of Recent Trends and Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. (1), Issue (1), 2019.
    12. Prof. Shivendra singh, “Security for Digital Image and Text Message with Steganography and Watermarking Technique,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-2120-8 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-2119-2, 27 – 29 Nov 2019.
    13. Prof. Shivendra singh, “Performance Analysis of Cognitive Networks Based on Multi-Band Spectrum Sensing for IOT,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2119-2, DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-2118-5, 27-29 Nov. 2019
    14. Prof. Shivendra singh, “Low BER and High Throughput of NOMA for 5G Systems with Linear Power Amplifier,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-2120-8 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-2119-2, 27 – 29 Nov 2019
    15. Prof. Shivendra singh, “Design Area-time Efficient Pipeline Architecture for Finite Impulse Recursive System,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2119-2, DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-2118-5, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-2120-8, 27-29 Nov. 2019.
    16. Prof. Saima khan, “Security for Digital Image and Text Message with Steganography and Watermarking Technique,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-2120-8 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-2119-2, 27 – 29 Nov 2019.
    17. Prof. Saima khan, “Low BER and High Throughput of NOMA for 5G Systems with Linear Power Amplifier,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Print Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-2120-8 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-2119-2, 27 – 29 Nov 2019.
    18. Prof. Saima khan, “Design Area-time Efficient Pipeline Architecture for Finite Impulse Recursive System,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2119-2, DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-2118-5, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-2120-8, 27 – 29 Nov 2019.
    19. Prof. Sandeep Shukla, “Analysis of Underwater Wireless Communication using Visible Light LEDs,” IEEE International Students’ Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), Electronic ISSN: 2688-0288, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2688-027X, 22-23 Feb. 2020.
    20. Prof. Ompal Singh, “Packet Loss performance of Fibre Bragg Gratings Based Optical Switch,” International Journal of Advanced Engineering Science and Technological Research (IJAESTR), ISSN: 2394 – 9627, Volume-5, Issue-4, PP: 07-10, 2019.
    21. Dr. Kavita Burse, “Color Image Compressor using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Block Based Image Coding,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, Sept-2019.
    22. Dr. Rajesh Nema, “Performance Analysis of Cognitive Networks Based on Multi-Band Spectrum Sensing for IOT,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-2119-2, DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-2118-5, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-2120-8, 27-29 Nov. 2019.



    Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal

    Department of Electronics & Communication

    Faculty International Journal/National conference in year: 2020-2021

    1. Mukesh Kumar Ahirwar, Dr. Vikas Gupta, Prof. Divya Jain, “An Efficient CCSA based VLSI Architecture of Montgomery Modular Multiplication for Low-Cost High-Performance Application”,Compliance Engineering Journal, vol.11(10),Oct.2020.


    1. Bhagyashree Chopade,Vikas Gupta, “Evaluation and Selection of the Optimal Normalization Scheme for Hyperspectral Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information”, International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology, vol.14(4),pp 1-8, Sep.2020


    1. AkashShaw, Dr. Vikas Gupta, “A Review paper on Different Multiplier Design and analysis in VLSI”, International Journal for Research & Development in Technology, vol. 13 (5) May




    1. Vikas Gupta, “Evaluation and Selection of the Optimal Normalization Scheme for Hyper spectral Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information,” International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2319-6319, Volume 14 Issue 4 September 2020.


    1. Vikas Gupta, “An Efficient CCSA based VLSI Architecture of Montgomery Modular Multiplication for Low-Cost High-Performance Application,” Compliance Engineering Journal, Volume 11, Issue 10, 2020, ISSN NO: 0898-3577.


    1. Vikas Gupta, “PAPR Reduction of Massive 5G Systems using Modified PTS with DCT Scheme,” IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), ISBN Information:
    2. Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9744-9, CD:978-1-7281-9743-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9745-6.


    1. Vikas Gupta, “Novel Design of High Speed 64 bit Optimized MAC Unit,” IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), ISSN: 2319-6319, Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9744-9 CD:978-1-7281-9743-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9745-6.


    1. Dr. Vikas Gupta, “Implementation of High Speed Polar Encoder and Decoder for 5th Generation Application,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), ISSN-2349-5162, August 2020, Volume 7, Issue 8.


    1. Shivendra singh, “Reconfigure 5G sub 6 GHz and Wi-Fi bands Micro-strip Antenna using hybrid slotting and mix substrate material techniques,” IEEE International Conference on Advances and developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICADEE), Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-9252-9 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-9251-2, 10-11 Dec 2020.


    1. Shivendra singh, “Analysis of Underwater Wireless Communication using Visible Light LEDs,” IEEE International Students’ Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), ElectronicISSN:2688-0288, Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2688-027X, 22-23 Feb. 2020.


    1. Shivraj singh, “Free space Dual Antenna Communication in Flying Ad Hoc Networks Routing,” Third International Conference on smart systems and inventive technology(ICSSIT-2020), Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5821-1 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-5820-4, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5822-8, 20-22, August 2020.


    1. Shivraj singh, “Survey on MIMO Dielectric Resonator Antenna for 5G Wireless Applications,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2020, | e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710|, October, 2020.


    1. Shivraj singh, “Circularly-Polarized Integrated MIMO DRA Configuration for 5G Wireless Applications,” Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual MobileNetworks(ICICV2021),ElectronicISBN:978-1-6654-1960-4 DVD ISBN:978-1-6654-1959-8, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-2998-6. 04-06, February 2021.


    1. Shivraj singh, “VLSI Architecture for Combined R2B, R4B and R8B FFT using SDF and Modified CSLA,” International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2021), Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5875-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9299-4, Print on Demand (PoD) ISSN: 2329-7190, 27-29 January 2021.



    1. Shivraj singh, “Design and Analysis of Microstrip Antenna Array with Dual Notched and Defected Ground Structures for 5G C-band Applications,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN : 2349-5162, Volume 7 Issue 10 , October-2020 | Date of Publication: 2020-10-15.


    1. Shivraj singh, “Energy Efficient Dynamic Cluster Head based Wireless Sensor Network,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), | e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710 | Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2021 ||.


    1. Jatin Agrawal, “Review of 5G Massive MIMO Wireless Technology,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), (ISSN-2349-5162), September, 2020, Volume 7, Issue 9.


    1. Devkant sen, “A Global system for mobile communication with prevention to reduce higher signal strength in CRNand Wireless Applications,” 4TH International confrence on electronics communication and aerospace technology (ICECA 2020)(IEEE XPLORE), International conference, ISBN 978-1-7281- 5461-9, 10-12 Sept. 2020.


    1. Devkant sen, “A Dual trust security scheme against collaborative attack in internet of things,” 4TH International Journal of research, Volume IX ,issue X, October 2020.


    1. Devkant sen, “A Review Paper on VANET Mobility on V2V and V2I Using ODMR Protocol,” International Journal of Innovative Trends In Engineering (IJITE), ISSUE: 102, VOLUME 73, NUMBER 06, ISSN: 2395-2946, 01-06-2021.


    1. Devkant sen, “DPLPLN: Detection and prevention from flooding attack in IoT,” International conference on smart electronics and communication (ICOSEC 2020)(IEEE XPLORE), Volume 06,issue 02,Mar-Apr 2020, April-2020.


    1. Vibha Tiwari, “Health Care Robots for Elderly People at Home: Past, Present and the Future,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST, Vol. 29, No. 3, (2020), pp. 15053 – 15061, April-2020.


    1. 20. Vibha Tiwari, “Survey on Digital IF Filter with Low Complexity using Multi-rate System,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), ISSN-2349-5162 September ,2020, Volume 7, Issue 9, September ,2020.


    1. Vibha Tiwari, “VLSI Architecture for High Tap IF Filter with Low Complexity using Multi-rate Approach,” IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS), Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-9537-7, DVD ISBN: 978-1-7281-8381-7, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-9538-4 , 25-27 March 2021.


    1. Divya Jain, “Efficient CCSA based VLSI Architecture of Montgomery Modular Multiplication for Low-Cost High-Performance Application,” Compliance Engineering Journal, Electronic Volume 11, Issue 10, ISSN NO: 0898-3577, 2020.


    1. Divya Jain, “Electrocardiogram transmission over OFDM system,” International Journal of optical communication, https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2020-0227, Received September 11, 2020; accepted January 6, 2021; published online February 3, 2021.


    1. Neeraj Tiwari, “Agricultural Spot Detection by Image Segmentation and Clustering by ANN Technique,” International Journal of Innovative Trends In Engineering (IJITE), ISSN: 2395-2946
    2. ISSUE: 96, VOLUME 72, NUMBER 01, DECEMBER 2020, Dec-2020.


    1. Prof. Neeraj Tiwari, “Medical Image Fusion based on Multiscale Decomposition and Hybrid Transform Technique,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN (Online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print): 2320-6710Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2021.


    1. Prof. Hema Singh, “Survey of Secure and Compression Encryption Key Based Textual Data Deduplication using Digital Watermarking,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2020.


    1. Prof. Hema Singh, “Enhanced Data Security for Hybrid Encryption and Compression using Deduplication,” International Conference on IoT based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICICNIS 2020), Engineering and Technology, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print): 2320-6710Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2021.


    1. Prof. Hema Singh, “Health Care Robots for Elderly People at Home: Past, Present and the Future,” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238 Vol. 29, No. 3, (2020), pp. 15053 – 15061, date: 11-09-2020.


    1. Prof. Sandeep Shukla, “Performance of Channel Estimating Approach in Mobile OFDM System,” 2021 International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT), ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5791-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5792-4, 19-20 Feb. 2021.


    1. Prof. Sandeep Shukla, “Four Notch Dual Band Micro-strip Patch Antenna for S-C Band Application,” IEEE International Conference on Advances and Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICADEE), ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9251-2 CD:978-1-7281-9250-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9252-9, 10-11 Dec. 2020.


    1. Prof. Sandeep Shukla, “Low Power dissipation of 14-bit Pipelined ADC with Operational Amplifier, 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-8501-9, DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-8500-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-8502-6, 20-22 Jan. 2021.


    1. Dr. Abhishek Bhatt, “Performance of Channel Estimating Approach in Mobile OFDM System, 2021 International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT), ISBN Information Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5791-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5792-4, 19-20 Feb. 2021


    1. Dr. Abhishek Bhatt, “Four Notch Dual Band Micro-strip Patch Antenna for S-C Band Application”, 4TH International conference on electronics communication and aerospace technology(ICECA 2020)(IEEE XPLORE), International conference ISBN 978-1-7281- 6387-1, 5-7 Nov. 2020.


    1. Dr. Abhishek Bhatt, “A Global system for mobile communication with prevention to reduce higher signal strength in CRN”, 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-8501-9, DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-8500-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-8502-6, 20-22 Jan. 2021.


    1. Dr. Abhishek Bhatt, “DPLPLN: Detection and prevention from flooding attack in IoT,” IEEE International conference on smart electronics and communication(ICOSEC 2020)(IEEE XPLORE), International conference ISBN 978-1-7281- 5461-9, 10-12 Sept. 2020.


    1. Dr. Abhishek Bhatt, “Universal Filtered Multicarrier (UFMC) Transmitter-Implementation using FFT and FIR Filter,” High Technology Letters, Volume 26, Issue 8, 2020, ISSN NO : 1006-6748.


    1. Dr. Abhishek Bhatt, “Low Power dissipation of 14-bit Pipelined ADC with Operational Amplifier,” 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-8501-9, DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-8500-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-8502-6, 20-22 Jan. 2021.


    1. Prof Saima khan, “Reconfigure 5G sub 6 GHz and Wi-Fi bands Micro-strip Antenna using hybrid slotting and mix substrate material techniques ,” IEEE International Conference on Advances and developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICADEE), Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-9252-9 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-9251-2, 10-11 Dec 2020 .


    1. Prof Saima khan, “Four Notch Dual Band Micro-strip Patch Antenna for S-C Band Application,” Published in: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advances and Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICADEE), ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9251-2 CD:978-1-7281-9250-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9252-9, 10-11 Dec. 2020.


    1. Prof. Sandip Nemade, “CORDIC Algorithm: Its Advancement and Applications for Communication,” International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Volume 11, Issue 4, ISSN (Online): 2249–071X Date of publication: 15/07/2020, 15.07.2020.


    1. Prof. Ompal singh, “A critical review of optical switches,” Journal of Optical Communications 2021, https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2020-0284 , May 18, 2021.



    1. Prof Hemant Chaubey, “A combination of statistical parameters for the detection of epilepsy and EEG classification using ANN and KNN classifier,” Springer, Sep-18.


    1. Dr.Arvind Sahu, “Design Inter-IC Bus Regulator and Interface It with Ultrasonic Sensor for Machine Learning Application,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TRENDS IN ENGINEERING (IJITE), ISSUE: 96, VOLUME 72, NUMBER 01, ISSN: 2395-2946, Dec-2020.


    1. Dr.Arvind Sahu, “High Capacity Steganography Based on Least Significant Bit Technique,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TRENDS IN ENGINEERING (IJITE), ISSUE: 96, VOLUME 72, NUMBER 01, ISSN: 2395-2946, Dec-2020.


    1. Dr.Arvind Sahu, “FPGA based Inter-IC Design and Interface it with Ultrasonic Sensor for Machine Learning Application,” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), ISSUE Volume: 07 Issue: 12,e-ISSN: 2395-0056,p-ISSN: 2395-0072, Dec-2020.



    Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal

    Department of Electronics & Communication

    Faculty International Journal/National conference in year: 2021-2022



    1. Abhishek Ranjan, Dr. Vikas Gupta, FPGA Implementation of binary extended golay code for error correcting parallel decoder applications”, Journal of Information and Computational Science, vol 12(3), March 2022.
    2. Amit Ranjan, Dr. Vikas Gupta, “Optimization Accuracy of Diabetes Prediction and Diagnosis System using Gradient Boosting Algorithm”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, vol.9 (2), Feb 2022.
    3. Anesh Kumar, Dr. Vikas Gupta, “Low Risk and High Accuracy Heart Disease Prediction using Hybrid Naïve Bayes Machine Learning and PCA”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, vol.9 (2), Feb 2022.
    4. AnkitaTripathi, Dr. Vikas Gupta, “An approach for predicting ALS Problem with machine Learning for BCI”, International journal of innovative Research in Technology and Management, vol 5 (6), pp. 33-40, 2021.
    5. Anu Jain, Dr. Vikas Gupta “Implementation of 128 bit Pipelined Blowfish FPGA Architecture for VLSI Digital Signal Processing Applications” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, vol. 8 (10), pp 525-530,Oct. 2021.
    6. Nilesh Shankar Patil, Dr. Vikas Gupta, “VLSI Architecture for Floating Point Multipliers using Programmable Reversible Gate”, International Journal of Research and Technology, 9 (3), Sep.2021.
    7. Sunil Prabhakar1,Dr. Vikas Gupta, “VLSI Architecture for Radix-2 DIT & DIF FFT based on Folding Technique and Reversible Gate “International Journal of Research and Technology vol. 9 (1), Mar. 2021.
    8. Amit Chaturvedi, Dr. Vikas Gupta, “Performance Analysis of Low Delay Look Ahead Adder and Ripple Adder”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol.9 (1), Jan. 2021.
    9. Vikas Gupta, “Designing of Power and Delay Efficient 10T and 14T SRAM Cell,” International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Volume 7, Issue 5, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, Sept-Oct-2021
    10. Vikas Gupta, “A Review on Designing of Power and Delay Efficient 10T and 14T SRAM Cell,” International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Volume 8, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, Jan-Feb-2022.
    11. Vibha Tiwari, “FPGA Implementation of Polar Encoder-Decoder for 5G Artificial Intelligence Applications,” Journal of Information and Computational Science, Volume 11 Issue 9, ISSN: 1548-7741, Sep-2021
    12. Vibha Tiwari, “Optimization Design of Partition Multiplier based on Brent Kung Adder,” International Journal of Research & Technology, Volume 9, Issue 3, Year 2021.
    13. Vibha Tiwari, “Design of 64-Bit Approximate Multiplier Algorithm based on Compressors and Data multipliers for High Accuracy & Speed,” Journal of Information and Computational Science, Volume 11 Issue 9 ,ISSN: 1548-7741, 2021.
    14. Vibha Tiwari, “Optimization Design of Partition Multiplier based on Brent Kung Adder,” International Journal of Research & Technology, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2021.
    15. Sandip Nemade, “Designing of Power and Delay Efficient 10T and 14T SRAM Cell,” International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Volume 7, Issue 5, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, Sept-Oct-2021.
    16. Sandip Nemade, “A Review on Designing of Power and Delay Efficient 10T and 14T SRAM Cell,” International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Volume 8, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, Jan-Feb-2022.
    17. Pirth Mishra, “A Review on Designing of Power and Delay Efficient 10T and 14T SRAM Cell,” International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Volume 8, Issue 1, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, Jan-Feb-2022.
    18. Pirth Mishra, “Designing of Power and Delay Efficient 10T and 14T SRAM Cell,” International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Volume 7, Issue 5, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, Sept-Oct-2021.
    19. Hemant Verma, “Security for Digital Data and Image with Dual Steganography and Watermarking,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 9, Issue 2 (ISSN-2349-5162), Feb-2022.
    20. Hemant Verma, “Plant Disease Detection Techniques Based on Deep Learning Models: A Review,” International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN (Online): 2348-4098, ISSN (Print): 2395-4752, Jan-Feb-2022.
    21. Hemant Verma, “Detection and Classification of Plant Diseases by Alexnet and Google net Deep Learning Architecture,” International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Volume 8, Issue 1,ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, Jan-Feb-2022.
    22. Shivraj singh, “Agronomic Spot Detection With Image Segmentation & Clustering By Artificial Neural Network,” International Journal of Innovative Trends in Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 1,ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, December-2021.
    23. Shivraj singh, “Hybrid Contourlet transform and Coupled Neural Network based Image Fusion,” International Journal of Research and Technology ISSN: 2321–7529 (Online) || ISSN: 2321–7510 (Print) Volume 9, Issue 4, December-2021.
    24. Shivraj singh, “Security for Digital Data and Image with Dual Steganography and Watermarking,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 9, Issue 2 (ISSN-2349-5162), Feb-2022
    25. Shivraj singh, “Design and Analysis of RFID Memory Cell based on Static-RAM,” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 9 Issue 2,ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, Feb-2022
    26. Shivraj singh, “Machine Learning and ECC Algorithm Based Intrusion Detection and Mitigation,” International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN (Online): 2348-4098,ISSN (Print): 2395-4752, March, 2019
    27. Shivraj singh, “Image Security of Water Marking Digital Image Based on based on SVD and DWT with Haar Transform,” International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Volume 8, Issue 1, Jan-Feb-2022.
    28. Shivraj singh, “Performance Analysis of Ad-Hoc Networks Under Black Hole Sybil Attack and DDoS Attack,” International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Volume 8, Issue 2, ISSN (Online): 2395-566X, Mar-Apr-2022.
    29. Shivraj singh, “Reversible Image Data Embedding Using DWT and Histogram Feature,” International Journal of Engineering Applied Science and Management, ISSN (Online): 2582-6948, Vol. 2 Issues 9, Sept-2021.
    30. Prakash Gupta, “Switch-Type Modulators and PAs for Efficient Transmitters in the 5 G Wireless Infrastructures,” International Journal For Research in applied science and engineering Technology, Volume: Volume 10, Issue II, Feb-22.
    31. Prakash Gupta, “Polar-Coded MIMO FSO Communication System over Gamma-Gamma Turbulence Channel with Spatially Correlated Fading,” International Journal For Research in applied science and engineering Technology, Volume : Volume 10, Issue II, Feb-22.

  • Techtronic Times Volume-1 Oct. 2019

    Techtronic Times Volume-2 July 2020

    Techtronic Times Volume-3 Oct. 2021