About Department
Civil Engineering is the oldest branch of engineering. Earlier it dealt with shelter but over the centuries also developed to provide services such as road, water supply, bridges, dams, structure for entertainment, and so on.
Civil Engineering virtually touches all facets of our life. Over the years, many specializations have developed are catering to the special needs of the projects such as geotechnical engineering, public health engineering., hydraulics, structure, highway engineering, bridge engineering, earthquake engineering, construction planning & management, environmental engineering, Irrigation engineering. The country is undergoing through massive expansion of infra-structure creating thousands of job opportunity for civil engineers. Realizing the growing need for civil engineers, this department at TIT, Bhopal was established in the year 2012. The department is having well qualified and experienced faculty for teaching diverse subjects of civil engineering. The yearly intake is 120. We have well- equipped labs such as Basic Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics Lab, Construction material testing lab, Surveying Lab, Fluid Mechanics Lab, Strength of material lab, Engineering Geology Lab etc.
Vision of the department:
To become a centre of excellence in the field of Civil Engineering by enabling students to attain domain knowledge, lifelong learning skills and ethical values to serve the nation.
Mission of the department:
M1: To create an academic ambience through competent faculty and encouraging multidisciplinary interaction.
M2: To establish state of the art infrastructure facilities that will pave the dissemination of technical knowledge in the field of Civil engineering.
M3: Exposing students to new tools and technologies of Civil engineering.
M4: Providing an environment to actively participate in enhancing problem solving and leadership qualities and team spirit.-
PEO1: Graduates will become an established professional in the field of Civil engineering and related fields with sound ethical values.
PEO2: Graduates will demonstrate all necessary engineering and scientific competence to become an engineer in the field of Civil engineering and allied fields considering social and environmental issues.PEO3:Graduates will possess strong foundation in the field of Civil engineering to be applied in their higher studies and research.
Engineering Graduates will be able to
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at Large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Lifelong learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO1. Graduates will be able to apply knowledge of civil engineering for analyzing and designing projects in the field of Structures, Hydraulics and Irrigation engineering
PSO2. Graduates will design and develop civil engineering projects concerning environment, ecology, energy conservation and safety.
PSO3. Graduates will be able to plan and execute civil engineering projects applying relevant codes of practice for materials and techniques.
Soft Study Materials
Video Lectures
Mechanistic Analysis of Rigid Pavement Under Wheel Load
Effect of Highway Development on
Socioeconomic ParametersWatershed Management
Soil Stabilization
By GeogridEnvironment Impact
AssessmentRetrofitting of Residential Buildings
with Special reference to EarthquakeHigh Strength, High Density,
High Performance ConcreteDurability of Concrete
StructuresIndian Construction
IndustryGreen Building
.Dimensional analysis as modeling technique
used in fluid dynamics and heat transfer -
Dr. Kashfina Kapadia Memon (BE, M.Tech., Ph.D)
Civil Engineering is considered to be the most versatile branch among all the engineering branches. It is the branch with a lot of diversity from Geotechnical Engineering to Structural engineering, Environmental to Hydraulics, Transportation to Hydrology, Civil Engineering can be considered as a single largest branch among all the engineering branches.
Department of Civil Engineering at TIT, Bhopal was established in 2012 and has continually upgraded itself in terms of academic quality and infrastructure including laboratories. The department appoints the finest young and dynamic faculty members for its degree program. Students are exposed to well-defined academic programs along with a host of sports, cultural and organizational activities in a vibrant and beautiful campus. The presence of experimental and computational facilities, active institute-industry interaction, national and international academic programs and industrial/research training opportunities help the students in the department to excel in the competitive professional life.
The department is committed to providing excellent in classroom infrastructure, enrichment of the academic and professional experience of students, outreach to the engineering community and society, and advancements in Civil Engineering.
Civil Engineering Laboratories
Civil Engineering Department is well-equipped with some of the most defined and technically modern laboratories to provide a superior level of practical education to its students. The laboratories are specifically designed with excellent facilities to meet the requirements of A.I.C.T.E. and University.
Major labs- Basic Civil Engg & Engg Mechanics Lab
- Strength of material laboratory
- Advance Survey laboratory
- Material testing laboratory
- Fluid mechanics laboratory
- Engineering Geology laboratory
- Geo technical Engg. Laboratory
View of few labs
Strength of material laboratory :
Students perform practical to test the theory taught in the class to understand behaviour of various structures such as arches, beams, columns and trusses. The following equipment are available in the lab:
- Unsymmetrical bending apparatus
- Curved member apparatus
- Verification of Clark Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem apparatus
- Redundant joint apparatus
- Elastically coupled beam apparatus
- Deflection of truss apparatus
- Two hinged arch apparatus
- Three hinged arch apparatus
- Behaviour of columns and struts apparatus
Advance Survey laboratory :
This laboratory houses advanced electronic instruments such as total station, electronic theodolite and auto level. This caters to the academic requirement of semester V. These modern equipment are being increasingly used in the survey of road and industry layout.
Fluid mechanics laboratory :
Recently we have procured following equipments:
- Digital Theodolite.
- Flow over weir apparatus
- Model for hydraulic ram and reciprocating pump
- Equipment for determination of metacentric height
- Calibration of mouth piece apparatus
Existing equipment are:
- Pipe friction apparatus
- Pipe fitting apparatus
- Bernoulli’s theorem apparatus
- Impact of jet apparatus
- Reynold’s number apparatus
CMT Lab :
CMT Lab is equipped with all the equipments like :-
- Compaction Factor Test.
- Abrasion Resistance Test (Los-Angles Machine).
- Dumpy level.
- Measuring tape and metric chain.
- Compressive Testing machine.
- Impact value.
- Crushing value test.
- Slump Core
- Vee-Bee Consistometer
Highway Material Testing laboratory :
Highway Material Lab is equipped with all the equipments like:
- CBR testing machine.
- Marshal stability testing machine
- Ductility Testing machine
- Penetrometer Equipment
- Striping Value Apparatus
- OMC/MDD determination etc
Future prospects of Civil Engineering Increase in population along with increasing urbanization has facilitated the need for sustainable and efficient infrastructures. Rise in non-residential projects including sewage & waste disposal, transportation, education, streets & highways, and water supply are major contributors results in large number of jobs. Development in several areas such as green buildings, sensor-embedded roads & buildings, Geo-polymer concrete, and water management will result in global growth of civil engineering industry.
TOPPERS LIST III SEM (DEC 2022)(2021-25) batch
Enroll. No Name of Students SGPA CGPA 0111CE211049 SANTOSH KUMAR 8.21 8.71 0111CE211004 ANIKET YADAV 8.38 8.65 0111CE211048 RIYA SONI 8.33 8.65 0111CE211007 ANUBHAW RAJA 8.29 8.42 IV Sem (2021-25 Batch) June 2023 Exam
S.No. Roll Number Name SGPA CGPA 1 0111CE211049 SANTOSH KUMAR 8.79 8.82 2 0111CE211048 RIYA SONI 8.71 8.71 3 0111CE211004 ANIKET YADAV 8.5 8.64 V Sem (2021-25 Batch) Dec 2023 Exam
S.No. Roll Number Name SGPA CGPA 1 0111CE211004 ANIKET YADAV 9.13 8.75 2 0111CE211049 SANTOSH KUMAR 8.38 8.73 3 0111CE211048 RIYA SONI 8.71 8.71 III (2020-24 Batch) Dec 2021 Exam
S.No Roll Number Name SGPA CGPA 1 0111CE201080 RAHUL KUMAR 9.71 9.68 2 0111CE201007 ADARSH NAMDEV 9.71 9.67 3 0111CE201004 ABHAY PATEL 9.67 9.65 TOPPERS LIST IV SEM (June 2022) (2020-24 ) Batch
S.No. Enrollment No. Name of Student SGPA CGPA 1 0111CE201004 ABHAY PATEL 7.54 9.09 0111CE201025 AYUSH PATEL 7.67 9.08 0111CE201007 ADARSH NAMDEV 7.46 9.08 0111CE201024 AYUSH GARG 7.88 9.07 V (2020-24 Batch) Dec 2022 Exam
S.No Roll Number Name SGPA CGPA 1 0111CE201024 AYUSH GARG 8.79 9.01 2 0111CE201025 AYUSH PATEL 8.63 8.98 3 0111CE201004 ABHAY PATEL 8.33 8.93 VI Sem (2020-24 Batch) June 2023 Exam
S.No Roll Number Name SGPA CGPA 1 0111CE201025 AYUSH PATEL 8.92 8.97 2 0111CE201024 AYUSH GARG 8.29 8.89 3 0111CE201004 ABHAY PATEL 8.42 8.84 VII Sem (2020-24 Batch) Dec 2023 Exam
S.No Roll Number Name SGPA CGPA 1 0111CE201024 AYUSH GARG 9.00 8.95 2 0111CE201025 AYUSH PATEL 8.67 8.95 3 0111CE201010 AJIT KUMAR SHAH 8.58 8.8 Following Students Qualify GATE Examination 2019
S.N Name Roll No. Marks Gate Score 1 Brijendra Raghuwanshi 0111CE151037 42.79 515 2 Deepanshu khare 0111ce151040 37.22 460 Following Students Qualify GATE Examination 2018
S.N Name Roll No. Marks Gate Score All India Rank 1 Sugam Bhardwaj 0111CE141107 53 567 4500 2 Sagar Kumar malviya 0111CE141083 40.27 484 9089 3 Yash Chourasiya 0111CE141118 29.43 375 17587 4 Harshal Jain 0111CE141035 35.8 358 19694 2018 GATE Qualified Student List Marks out of 100 Qualifying marks GATE Score Jitendra Tiwari 49.99 26.9 581 Sagar Malviya 40.29 24.2 484 Yash Chourasiya 29.43 17.9 375 Harshal Jain 27 26.9 340 2017 GATE Qualified Student List Marks out of 100 Qualifying marks GATE Score Ashish kishore 38.23 28 453 Anupam verma 28.54 24 347 Aditya Pandey 53 28 230 Yash Kulshreshtha 28 28 545 Abhishek Shrivastava 37 28 370 Toppers 2019
Satyam Jain
CGPA : 8.81Rashi Mishra
CGPA :8.74Manish Kumar Singh
CGPA :8.59Toppers 2018
CGPA : 9.46Satyam Jain
CGPA :8.64Toppers 2017
CGPA :8.83Toppers 2016
CGPA : 8.74Babita Bhardwaj
CGPA :8.65Ultratech Shining Star Competition Prize Distribution
Prize distribution ceremony of Ultratech shining star competition was organized on 27 March 2024. Students of TIT Civil Engineering Department MohitRakse, AyushiDehariya and Yuvrajchoudhary has secured 2nd Runner up position in Ultratech shining star competition.
Honourable Chairperson Madam felicitated the participants with certificates and delivered a motivating speech. She advised all the students to work harder in life to get sure success. She has also narrated some incidents to inspire the students. Dr AnuragChoubeyalso inspired the faculty members to organize industry associated activities and he appreciated the efforts put in by the students and wished them to come through with flying colors in future also. Dr Shashi Kumar Jain and faculty members also witnessed the pride moments.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)
Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) of Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal organized a Program on – NSDC Skill Program- Inspection to Achievement on 19th March2024 at MBA Seminar Hall. Speakers on the occasion were Dr. R. K. Bharilya, Principal Scientist, CSIR- AMPRI, Bhopal and Er. Shiv Singh Patel , Scientist CSIR- AMPRI, Bhopal.
The program began with Saraswati Pooja. Speakers were felicitated by Bouquet. Er. Shiv Singh Patel, in his address emphasized the need to inculcate the entrepreneurship acumen. He discussed the initiatives taken by CSIR- AMPRI, in contemporary techniques like additive manufacturing, heat treatment labs, and composite material development. He called the young minds to undertake the internship in these areas. He further highlighted that his organization is frontier in the region for research work. Dr.R.K.Bharilya, Principal Scientist, highlighted the importance of creating awareness amongst students. He further elaborated that engineering undergrads may become part of their research and development projects in the areas like waste to wealth, mineral processing, environmental impact assessment, water resource modeling, 3D printing just to name a few. Their teams are actively extending the work with FEM simulation and modeling which are an integral part of the studies in many cases. Director Dr. S.K. Jain reiterated that as our country is poised to set standards for other developed countries and their efforts will be crucial in future.
Students interacted with eminent speakers and gained useful insights. With beaming faces all around the event was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Ranjana Singh Tomar.
Material Testing workshop
Material Testing workshop was organized by department of civil engineering in association with UltraTech CEMENT on 7th march 2024 about 80 students attended. The Demonstration of concrete and cement practical’s was done with Mobile Laboratory.
UltraTech Shining Star Competition
UltraTech Shining Star Competition was organized for MP engineering colleges Total 21 Teams participated in first round and 9 teams were selected for second round. In first round total Three teams participated and Two teams selected for Second round.
Students of TIT Civil Engineering Department Mohit Rakse, Ayushi Dehariya and Yuvraj choudhary has secured third position in Ultratech shining star competition organized by Ultratech for whole MP region. They have presented on Structural Health Monitoring topic.
6th National Conference on Traffic Technologies
Central Academy for Police Training, Bhopal
22-23 February 202420 Students along with Prof. Mayuri Patil from department of civil engineering attended the two days 6th National Conference on Traffic Technologies organized by Central Academy for Police Training, Bhopal on 22-23 February 2024.The vision of the conference was¬- A vision towards zero death. Seven sessions were conducted on day 1 of the conference by eminent speakers from all over the country. The chief guest for the inauguration event was Padmashri Dr.Subrato Das widely known for his work on Highway Trauma Care, co-founded Lifeline Foundation and is the main person behind starting the National Ambulance Number for the country. Students received an auspicious opportunity to attend the sessions along with the police officers different states of the country which would surely help them to Enhance their skills in the relevant fields.
“Future of Quantity Survey”
A seminar on Future of Quantity Survey was organized on 16th of September 2019, for the final year students by department of civil engineering under Students Chapter, IEI. The keynote speaker for the event was Dr. Joseph V Thaniklal, Dean, RICS, Amity University, Noida.
01 Weeks training on STAAD PRO
23/09 to 27/09/19
1 week Certified STADD PRO Training is organised for students in collaboration with AUTO DESK.
Visit to Water treatment plant at Nehru Nagar, Bhopal
On 20th February, 2018 at 10.30 am students reached at water treatment plant, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal. At starting supervisor gave the basic knowledge about treatment process, they explain to students about that before arriving at your tap, water is treated at the Water Treatment Plant to remove sediment, bacteria, and other impurities.
One week STTP (Design and Management of Civil Engineering projects through softwares)
14/10 /19 to 18/10/2019
A short Term training programme on “Design and Management of Civil Engineering projects through softwares” under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP-II) during 14th Oct-2019 – 18th Oct-2019 was organized by Civil Engineering Department at Technocrats Institute of technology, Bhopal. The workshops aims to give deep knowledge of software used for design in civil engineering projects.
Smart Road Visit to Bharat mata Square, Bhopal
The Project of Smart Road Initiated by BSCDCL Keeping in mind to served the peoples for road connectivity along with smart features like wise smart poles to serve internet facilities and lighting with CCTV vigilance, weather reporting and pollution level detector. These poles have been installed 5 in Nos. At equidistance starting from Bharat Mata square (Ch.0+000) to ploy technique square (Ch.2+200). Through this visit students get the knowledge about that project.
National Conference (Recent Advancements and Innovations in Civil Engineering)
Department of Civil Engineering organizing the two days National Conference on Advancement and Innovations in Civil Engineering on dated 20/09/2019-21/09/2019. The conference aims to bring together engineers, academicians, researchers and other professionals having an interest in the field of Construction Management providing an excellent platform to exchange their experiences. Invited eminent speakers will present the outcome of the research carried out in recent times addressing the goal above as well as the future direction for research.
Title: Traffic Volume Survey
Name of the students: Ayush Garg, Rahul Pandey, Piyush Kumar
Faculty Mentor: Ms. Mayuri Patel
Department has offered case study to assess the width of flexible pavement between Piplani Petrol pump to Bhopal-Indore Bypass Road. Traffic survey was conducted by the students. Based on Traffic Volume survey during peak hours it was suggested that width of pavement is sufficient to cater the traffic provided the encroachment of road is taken care by adequate number of traffic police personnel at Anand Nagar.
Action taken: The Recommendations were forwarded to commissioner of National Highway authority for benefit of residents and road-users. The outcome was removal of encroachment and now there is no traffic jam conditions.
Title: Ground Water Quality Analysis in Govindpura Area
Name of the students: Sarman Kushwah, Aman Patel, Shashank Dangi , Gajanand
Faculty Mentor: Mr Harish Nema
Ground water is the major alternative source of water of Bhopal city. About twenty ground water samples were collected from Govindpura Industrial area. Study of some physico -chemical parameters of ground water was carried out using Indian Standard Code IS 10500. Acidity, Alkalinity, Chlorides obtained are within permissible limits but Turbidity, total hardness and iron content of some samples are beyond the permissible limit of drinking water standards. From the Bacteriological analysis it can be concluded that water is contaminated.
The industrial activities, dense vehicle movement and industrial waste water discharge and its intermixing in ground water may be the probable reason for the same.
Action taken: The Recommendations were forwarded to M.P. Pollution Control Board.
Research activity 1
Name of Faculty: Dr Kashfina Kapadia Memon (HOD)
No of students involved in the activity: Four
Water is the need of the society. It should reach to each and every consumer in sufficient quantity, potable in quality and at suitable pressure. The design of water distribution network is an optimization problem where cost is to be minimized by using pipes from a list of discrete commercially available pipe sizes. By using different methods like Linear programming, Non-linear programming, Gradient method, Newton Raphson Method etc have been used in the past but due to discrete nature of pipe diameters and non-linear constraints the use of evolutionary optimization methods like Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Ant Colony Optimization, Differential Evolution, Honey Bee Mating Optimization, Memetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, Shuffled Complex Evolution and Harmony Search etc are used for optimization of WDN in recent times.Objectives
- Developing criteria for design of water distribution system.
- Model formulation and development i.e. identification of objective functions and constraints and prepare mathematical model of the selected distribution networks.
- Explore the methods of optimization of water distribution network and selection of optimization method based on the literature review.
- Identify suitable optimization techniques to propose a robust algorithm to optimize the design of Water Distribution Network. It can be coupled with hydraulic Solver EPANET.
- Identify at least two optimization procedures for the design of WDNs for different benchmark problems as well as the real life problems. Identify a real life case study of a large sized WDN to establish its efficacy on the criteria of optimal design.
- To produce and present the results of analysis in a systematic manner to draw valid conclusions from the present work.
- To draw conclusions from the present study.
Extension work based on this research work
- Technical Performance evaluation of water distribution network using EPANET software.
- Water demand analysis of existing water distribution network of Bhopal City.
- Water quality modelling of Water Distribution network.
- Performing Extended Period simulation in Pressure driven demands.
These projects were given to a group of students as their project. The suggestions are invited from the researchers to explore new dimensions in research.
The suggestions/ Review / feedback can be sent on kashfina@gmail.com
Research activity 2
Name of Faculty: Mr Harish Nema
Brief Information of Research Work.
Solid waste management is perhaps the most important service required by urban dwellers to maintain their quality of life. Large amount of solid waste is generated in India, in Urban, municipal and industrial sectors which are finally disposed to the solid waste disposalsites.Bhopal is not an exception. The Bhopal city has 75 acres of land for waste disposal. The waste generated in the city is deposited at this landfill site which is situated in Bhanpura village at a distance of 16 km from the city. No scientific method of waste disposal is adopted. All waste is disposed off at the landfill. This system of disposal by open dumping of waste creates a lot of environmental problems and public health hazards. Madhya Pradesh state Agro Industries Development Corporation limited has set up an Organic manure plant based on solid waste which produces organic manure from the solid waste which is being sold to the farmers of M.P. The organic mantic is made in this plant through Bio-augmentationprocess. The non- biodegradable war left after the segregation from the plant is used for land filling.The landfill site is closed for the dumping of waste since 2018 by Bhopal Municipal Corporation.This Municipal Solid waste is creating a lot of environmental concern in surrounding area. Unscientific disposal of solid waste pollutes the soil as well as ground water sources. The present work aims to find out the ground water and soil pollution post closure impact of dumping site. During the study about twenty four tube wells were selected and samples were collected for Physico-chemical parameters like pH, Turbidity, Electrical conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Chlorides, Total Hardness, Calcium Hardness, Magnesium Hardness, Nitrate and Sulphates.
Outcome of the work till date
The results showed higher concentration of contamination in most parameters like conductivity, TDS, chloride, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, which exceeds the limits of standards prescribed by BIS:10500. It was found that ground water near the closed dumping site is contaminated and is not fit for direct drinking purposes. Presence of fecel coliform in the samples indicates disease causing characteristics and may cause intestinal problems to consumers. Improper solid water management has also given rise to problems like health, sanitation and environmental degradation.
Based on Research Work some Projects were designed. These topics may be given to group of students as their minor/major project.- Environmental Impact Assessment of Solid waste Management – A Case study of Bhapur Area.
- Groundwater and Surface water quality analysis of surrounding area of Bhapur village.
- The Public’s Perception Regarding Waste Management.
- How Recyclable Materials Support Effective Waste Management.
- The Impact of Solid Waste on surrounding Environment.
The suggestions/ Review / feedback can be sent on hnharishnema@gmail.com
Training Activity for faculty and students
- Training on software’s like EAG and Benley
- Hands-on Practice session on Total Station
- Group Discussion
- Project Model Competitions
- Exposure to Conferences on Road Safety
- Exposure to Interdisciplinary Research
Learning Support for Students and Faculty Members
- Expert Lectures and Workshops
- Training on AutoCAD
- Online Workshop on Bridge Design
- Workshop on Stadd Pro
- Online Quiz Competitions
Use of Modern Tools and Techniques
- Training on software like EAG and Benley
- Hands on Practice session on Total Station.
- Group Discussion
- Project Model Competitions
Hands on Practice session on Total Station
Department: Department of Civil Engineering
Semester: B. Tech III & V Students
Activity: 3 Days Workshop
Date and Duration: September 05, 2022, to September 07, 2022
Title: Working and Uses of Total Station on Field.
Resource person/agency and affiliation: • Er. Amit Gupta, Site Engineer, Smart City Project, Bhopal.
Convener. Prof SourabhAsange/ Prof Ajid Khan
Executive Summary The 3-day Workshop on “Working and Uses of Total Station on Field”held at TIT, Bhopal, from September05, 2022, to September 07, 2022, was a resounding success. Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, the workshop aimed to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience in total station surveying. The main trainer expert is, Er. Amit Gupta, (Site Engineer, Smart City Project, Bhopal).
Workshop Objectives
The primary objectives of the workshop were to:
- Familiarize students with the various components and operation of total station machines.
- Instruct students on centering and leveling procedures to ensure accurate survey data.
- Teach students about topographic survey methods and data interpretation.
- Provide hands-on training in stakeout procedures, area and volume calculations.
- Demonstrate precise distance measurement techniques using total stations.
Outcomes and Feedback
The workshop received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the participants. Students gained a comprehensive understanding of total station surveying techniques, and the hands-on experience with the machines was particularly appreciated. The knowledge and skills acquired during the workshop are expected to be highly beneficial for their future careers in civil engineering and land surveying.Acknowledgments
We extend our gratitude to Er. Amit Gupta for their excellent training and guidance throughout the workshop.Conclusion
The 3-day Total Station Survey Workshop held at Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Civil Engineering Department was a successful endeavor, equipping students with essential skills and knowledge in the field of civil engineering and land surveying. This workshop represents a significant step in ensuring that our students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in their careers.No. of participants: 60
Training on AutoCAD
Topic AutoCAD Resource Person Ms. Kamna Duration 10/10/2022 to 22/10/2022 Time 30 Hours Venue CAD Lab, TIT Participation Students of B.Tech. IIIrd & Vth Semester SUMMARY
In collaboration with Elite Arch Group, the Department of Civil Engineering at Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopalprovided 10 Days of AutoCAD lab training sessions for Civil Engineering students. This training program’s major goal is to encourage students to plan and illustrate experiments in accordance with the guidelines provided, as well as to gauge their level of inventiveness. The Expert Ms. Kamna, shared with the students his knowledge of the field’s expectations for the designations of draughtsmen and interior designers. Additionally, he showed students some of his works and explained design principles and the use of fundamental tools with students. In total, 80 students have participated in this training program. The AutoCAD software used is one of the most commonly used software programs for civil engineering, It is used to create 2D and 3D models for the designed project. The tool allows engineers to instantly envision their designs, make any necessary revisions, and use it to create detailed building project drawings.OUTCOME
The main goal of this course is to ignite students’ interest in civil-core software. By using this tool, the students will be able to produce 2D, 3D drawings & Design, which also makes it simpler and quicker for them to build and update digital 2D and 3D designs than they could manually.Name of Activity: Students’ Chapter Activities Under the banner of The Institution of Engineers (India), M.P. State Centre, Bhopal.
Topic:Role of Professional Bodies in Overall Development of Engineering Education
Venue: Seminar Hall, TIT-MBA, TIT, Bhopal
Host: Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal
Participants: Director, TIT, HODs/Faculty Members/Students of CE, EX, & ME
Date & Time: 15th March 2024, 11:30AM – 1:30PM
Objective: To educate students about the role of professional bodies in the overall development of engineering education. To impart an understanding of the professional societies, benefits of membership. Discussion on emerging fields, job opportunities in core branches of engineering and how professional societies can help students achieve that.
- Er. Suneel Joshi – Former Chairman IE(India), State Centre, Bhopal
- Er. Awadhesh Choubey
- Er. Nikhil Shrivastava
The program began with Saraswati Pooja performed by Er. Suneel Joshi, Er. Awadhesh Choubey, Er. Nikhil Shrivastava, Dr. Shashi Kumar Jain, Director-TIT, Dr. Kashfina Kapadia, HODCE, TIT, Dr. Anula Khare, HODEX, TIT, & Dr. Hitesh Khare, HOD ME, TIT.
Speakers were felicitated by Bouquet, as per the tradition of Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal.
After the welcome address by Dr. Shashi Kumar Jain, the program was graced by the speech of Er. Suneel Joshi, wherein he spoke about the importance and benefits of becoming a member of professional bodies. He explained that hard work, passion, discipline, and persistence are key requirements of the journey towards career making. He described the need for giving attention to studies, practical aspects of learning design & design softwares, estimation process, while studying in engineering colleges; this will help you earn money, no matter the small amount to begin with. He suggested that students should take benefit of these societies; they will surely help if one is keen and dedicated. He advised students to drop ego while learning things for career building.
Thereafter, Er. Awadhesh Choubey was invited for speech; he shared his experiences of working in various departments of Electricity Board like transmission, Distribution & Generation. He explained to the students that there are job opportunities, which can be sought and pursued in various sectors core branches.
Er. Nikhil Shrivastava imparted basic knowledge of solar PV to students, benefits of renewable sources, with cost analysis, summarizing the fundamentals of rooftop solar technology including functioning and recent developments in solar panels technology. He also discussed challenges and potential solutions associated with the widespread adoption of rooftop solar.
The most benefitted fraternity of the event was students. They interacted with eminent speakers and gained useful insights. With beaming faces all around the event was concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Chaitanya Shrivastava.